
10 Highlights of the 2016 Government Work Report (Bilingual version), 05 12, 2016

1、6.5%是底线1. 6.5% is the minimum annual growth target
我们提出到2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番,要实现这个目标,就需要确保GDP6.5%以上的增速。而且,在“十三五”期间,我们还有一个很重要的任务,就是跨越中等收入陷阱。“十三五”时期经济年均增长如能保持在6.5%以上,也意味着我国将进入高收入国家行列,这将是历史性的台阶。China must achieve an annual economic growth rate of at least 6.5 percent for the next five years in order to realize its goal of doubling 2010's GDP and per-capita personal income levels by 2020. This level of growth is also a requirement to ensure that China overcomes the middle-income trap. If, during the 13th five year plan, China's economy grows at 6.5 percent or above China will be able to take a historic leap to join the ranks of high-income countries.
2、不搞“大水漫灌”,推动结构性改革2. Promoting structural reform with a streamlined policy approach
“2015年,我们不搞‘大水漫灌’式的强刺激,而是持续推动结构性改革”。在对2016年以及十三五时期工作的部署中,也总体突出以改革促发展,强调推动结构性改革,尤其是供给侧的结构性改革。通过改善供给环境来增强供给动力、提升供给效率、优化供给结构,进而促进经济更加稳定、协调和可持续增长。In 2015, the Chinese Government rejected a scattergun approach to stimulating the economy while continuing to promote structural reform. In 2016, the beginning of the 13th five year period, the government has underscored the importance of structural reform, especially supply-side structural reform. An improved supply environment will help make supply more robust, efficient and better structured, thus increasing the stability, coordination and sustainability of economic growth.
3、首提“新经济”3. Debut of a "new economy"
新经济以“互联网+”这些新产业、新技术、新业态为代表,不仅解放了老的生产力,更主要是创造了新的生产力。中国经济要“爬坡过坎”,必须加快结构调整,大力培育新兴增长点,这样才能使中国经济提质增效、行稳致远。The "new economy" is comprised of new industries, technologies and forms of business that have emerged under the Internet Plus strategy. Internet Plus calls for the penetration of the Internet into all industries. This concept has not only unleashed existing productive forces, but also fostered new growth engines. As it seeks to surmount obstacles, China must speed up structural adjustments while exploring new areas of growth. These initiatives will enable the Chinese economy to register long-term, stable growth with higher quality and enhanced efficiency.
4、脱贫扶贫是硬任务4. Poverty alleviation is a difficult task
李克强总理每年政府工作报告都把减贫作为落实中央决策部署的重点来推进,并督促检查、开展第三方评估。但这一次的扶贫攻坚和以往不一样,全部脱贫就是说不能“留锅底”。中国正在把扶贫作为全面建成小康社会最重要的工作来抓,在政治上高位推动,这在国际上恐怕也很少有国家能够做到。Poverty reduction has always featured prominently in Premier Li Keqiang's annual government work reports. He also has continued to stress the importance of supervision, inspection and independent evaluation of poverty alleviation programs. Unlike previous campaigns, the current one aims to lift everyone under the poverty line out of poverty without exception. China is giving top priority to poverty alleviation as it strives to accomplish its goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The high political attention China has given to poverty reduction is rarely seen in other countries.
5、打造中国制造金字品牌5. Making "Made in China" shine
李克强总理早已是出了名的高铁推销员,高铁如今也已经成为中国制造的一张金名片,但我们的目标范围绝不仅仅只有高铁。在技术、标准、服务等更为宽广的范围里,都要继续打造中国制造的金字品牌。Premier Li has long been known as an advocate of China's high-speed rail technology, a symbol of the country's manufacturing prowess. But high-speed rail is only part of the story. Chinese manufacturers are also striving to excel in a wider range of sectors including technology, standards, and services.

6、新一轮高水平对外开放6. A new round of opening up
中国提出“一带一路”合作倡议,就是要把世界的机遇转变为中国的机遇,也把中国的机遇转变为世界的机遇,推动“一带一路”沿线国家乃至世界各国实现共同发展。The China-proposed Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative presents opportunities for both China and the rest of the world. It will deliver shared benefits to countries along the routes as well as those far beyond.
7、“天蓝、地绿、水清”的美丽中国7. "Blue sky, green land and clear water"--beautiful China
大气雾霾和水污染治理已经成为各地方政府工作的重点,多位国家领导人多次调研河北等重工业重污染省份地区,政府工作报告又明确提出建设“天蓝、地绿、水清”的美丽中国,说明中国政府已经下决心走出一条经济发展与环境改善双赢之路。Effectively dealing with smog and water pollution has topped many local governments' agendas. A number of state leaders have made research trips to areas severely polluted by heavy industry, such as Hebei Province. This year's Government Work Report envisions a "beautiful China where the sky is blue, the land is green and the water is clear"--illustrating the government's determination to take a path that leads to both economic development and improvement of the environment.
8、法治政府、创新政府、廉洁政府和服务型政府8. A law-based, innovative, clean and service-oriented government
2015年年底,党中央国务院制定的《法治政府建设实施纲要 (2015-2020年) 》对外发布,纲要对未来5年法治政府建设进行了总体规划。此次报告再次强调,说明建设法治政府、创新政府、廉洁政府和服务型政府,不仅是政府自身建设所需,更是人民群众所需,时代发展所需。The Central Government issued guidelines on building a law-based government at the end of 2015. This put forward the overall plans for the next five years. By reaffirming this goal, the Government Work Report showed that a law-based, innovative, clean and service-oriented government is not only what the government aspires to turn itself into but also where public interest lies.
9、多谋人民之利,多解民生之忧9. Improving people's lives and addressing their concerns
实施更加积极的就业政策,鼓励以创业带动就业;要实现大病保险全覆盖,让更多大病患者减轻负担;继续提高退休人员养老金标准……报告内容中处处体现着对民生的关切,并以切实的措施来保障各项指标的实现。China will implement a more proactive employment policy and encourage entrepreneurship to create jobs. This policy also aims to realize full insurance coverage for serious diseases in order to reduce more patients' financial burdens. Additionally, It will continue to raise basic pension benefits for retirees. All of these policy statements exemplify the government's concern about people's livelihoods and a commitment to taking concrete measures to accomplish various goals.
10、践行中国特色大国外交理念10. Practicing major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics
2016年年初,习近平总书记首访中东,二十国集团领导人峰会即将在杭州举行,中国外交将更有作为。但同样也面临着挑战,在中日关系、南海问题、朝核问题等面前也将一如既往地践行我们的外交理念。In President Xi Jinping's first overseas trip in early 2016, he visited the Middle East. Later this year, China will also host the G20 Summit in Hangzhou. While China becomes a more active player on the global stage, challenges still abound. It will continue to practice its diplomatic vision when coping with issues such as Sino-Japanese relations, the South China Sea, and North Korea's nuclear program.