
Transcript of Wang Yi's interview with Belahodood of Al Jazeera (Bilingual version), 05 24, 2016

中阿合作论坛第七届部长级会议前夕,外交部长王毅在北京接受了卡塔尔半岛电视台采访。采访全文如下:In the lead up to the seventh Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, Foreign Minister Wang Yi gave an interview to Al Jazeera in Beijing. The following is the transcript of the interview.
一、问:中东在中国外交战略中的地位和重要性如何?Question 1: How important is the Middle East in China's diplomatic strategy?
王毅:中东始终在中国的对外政策中占有独特和重要的地位。因为我们都是发展中国家,都有类似的历史遭遇,都有共同的振兴国家目标,所以中国同阿拉伯各国人民始终都是好朋友和好伙伴。Wang Yi: The Middle East has always had a unique and important place in China's foreign policy. We are all developing countries, we have similar historical experiences and we share the goal of revitalizing our nations. Hence, the people of China and Arab countries have been close friends and strong partners.
我们从上个世纪五十年代建国之初开始,就坚定地支持阿拉伯各国人民争取民族解放的事业,特别是巴勒斯坦解放事业。在所有涉及到巴勒斯坦问题的重要历史关头,中国都坚定不移地站在巴勒斯坦人民一边,站在阿拉伯人民一边,这是我们之间一个好的传统。The fact is, since the 1950s when New China was just founded, we have been a staunch supporter of Arab people's quest for national liberation, especially that of the Palestinian people. At all critical moments of the Palestine issue, China has stood firmly with the Palestinian people, with the Arab people, and this has become a good tradition between us.
近年来,随着中国和阿拉伯国家的不断发展,中阿关系的内涵也在不断扩大。我们更多地开展互利合作,现在中国已成为10个阿拉伯国家的最大贸易伙伴,中阿双方贸易额已超过了2000亿美元。中国从海外进口的原油近一半来自阿拉伯国家,中国对阿拉伯国家的投资也在快速增加。当然,中阿关系还有很大的发展空间和潜力。中国同阿拉伯国家在传统友好基础上,正在日益结成利益共同体。As China and Arab countries continue to develop in recent years, our relations have also been growing in substance. We have launched more win-win cooperation, with China now being the top trading partner of 10 Arab countries and our two-way trade exceeding 200 billion US dollars. Nearly half of China's crude oil imports come from Arab countries, and China's investment in Arab countries is fast rising. Having said that, there is still broad space and much potential to be tapped in China-Arab relations. Underpinned by their traditional friendship, China and Arab countries are increasingly becoming a community of shared interests.
习近平主席提出我们要共同建设“一带一路”。“一带一路”建设中,阿拉伯国家、中东地区显然处于一个非常重要的战略位置。中东在中国今后对外政策中的地位将不断提升,我们对中国同中东各国关系的前景充满信心。新形势下,我们不仅会成为共同建设“一带一路”最理想的合作伙伴,实现我们共同发展和共同振兴,也一定会在这个进程中维护好双方的共同利益,共同推进国际关系民主化进程。President Xi Jinping has called for a joint endeavor to build the Belt and Road. Arab countries and the Middle East evidently occupy a strategic place in such efforts, and the Middle East will only enjoy a rising status in China's foreign policy. We have full confidence in the future of China's relations with Middle East countries. Under the new circumstances, we will not just be each other's ideal partners in building the Belt and Road for common development and rejuvenation, but also safeguard our common interests and jointly make the international relations more democratic.
二、问:习近平主席提出了“一带一路”的倡议,中国和阿拉伯国家如何能从这个倡议中受益呢?Question 2: Regarding President Xi Jinping's Belt and Road Initiative, how will China and Arab countries benefit from it?
王毅:你提了一个非常好的问题。丝绸之路在2000多年前就开始形成了,那个时候中东地区就是陆上丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路的交汇地,当时的中东各国跟中国互通有无、友好交往,为我们各自带来了和平、安宁和繁荣。时代发展到今天,中国奉行全方位的开放政策,我们在向东开放的基础上,积极地向西开放。无论是中东国家也好,中亚国家、南亚国家也好,甚至包括欧洲国家,都开始向东看。这样就形成了中国的发展战略跟欧亚大陆很多国家发展战略的相互对接。这一趋势实际上反映了我们彼此的合作需求。欧亚大陆几百年来经历了诸多战火和动荡,各国人民普遍希望和平、发展。现在很多国家都把发展作为最主要的任务,中国也把发展作为第一要务。在发展问题上,中国跟丝绸之路沿线各国,特别是跟中东国家完全可以优势互补,实现共同发展繁荣。根据欧亚大陆国家这个共同愿望,习近平主席提出“一带一路”倡议,很快得到沿线很多国家的积极响应和参与,截至目前约有70多个国家和组织,包括中东地区各国,都积极地给予呼应。Wang Yi: This is a very good question. The Silk Road began to take shape from more than 2,000 years ago, and the Middle East was where the land and maritime silk roads intersected. Friendly exchanges between China and countries in the region brought peace, tranquility and prosperity to both sides. Fast track to today: China is following its opening up policy in all respects. Building on our eastward opening-up, we are more active in opening westward. In the meantime, we have noted that, be it Middle East countries, Central Asian countries, or South East countries, and even European countries, they have all started to look to the East. This has made synergy possible between China's development strategy and those of many Eurasian countries. This trend reflects our mutual need for cooperation. Having suffered from wars and turmoil for centuries, people of all Eurasian countries aspire for peace and development more than anything else, and many countries make development as much a high priority as China does. When it comes to development, China and countries along the Silk Road, especially the Middle East countries, have every condition to draw on each other's comparative strengths, and achieve common development and prosperity. In keeping with this common aspiration of Eurasian countries, President Xi Jinping put forward the Belt and Road Initiative. The initiative soon received warm response from many countries along the routes, and so far over 70 countries and organizations, including Middle East countries, are ready to participate.
现代的海上丝绸之路和陆地丝绸之路同样交汇在中东。随着“一带一路”的推进,必将给中东各国发展带来新的、重要历史机遇。我们也愿意通过“一带一路”建设同中东各国携起手来,把发展中国家的经济搞好,给人民带来实实在在的福祉,一起来振兴欧亚大陆,这个前景完全可以实现。The Middle East region is also where the modern versions of the land and maritime Silk Roads meet. Implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative will surely bring new, historic development opportunities to countries in the region. We are also ready to, through the initiative, work with all countries in the Middle East to make the economy of developing countries stronger, and deliver real benefits to our people. Let us work together for the revival of the Eurasian continent. This vision can become a reality.
三、问:“一带一路”何时开始实施?Question 3: When will the Belt and Road Initiative get started?
王毅:“一带一路”已经开始实施了,也有了一些早期收获。目前项目库里的合作项目越来越多,据我了解已经有近千个项目。随着我们跟各国之间的相互沟通进一步密切,这些项目都会陆陆续续地付诸实施。Wang Yi: Implementation of the initiative has already begun. Some projects have got off to a start. The pool of projects is growing bigger, up to 1,000 as I know. As our communication with relevant countries deepens, these projects will be implemented one after another.
为什么有这么多项目?大家这么感兴趣?它首先反映了中国同沿线各国、包括与中东国家的相互需求。很多欧亚大陆国家都希望加快工业化进程,希望摆脱过去长期单纯依靠初级产品、依靠一般性资源产品的经济发展模式,希望提高自主发展能力,推动实现经济多元化。中国经济正好发展到了工业化成熟期,我们有大量优质产能和成熟技术可以提供给其他国家。我们在提供这些各国需要的装备和技术的同时,还可以开展人员培训,提供必要的融资支持。包括中东国家在内的欧亚大陆国家正处在推进工业化进程中,中国肯定会成为你们最理想的合作伙伴。再加上我们还有加强合作的政治意愿,以及广泛的共同利益,这些都会促使我们之间的互利合作进一步深入发展。我们在中东地区有一些大项目,比如说在沙特已经投产的延布炼厂,是一个大型石化工厂,有助于沙特提高自身的工业化水平和自主发展能力。我们在阿曼还计划建设工业园,在科威特要合作建设丝绸城项目,将利用几个岛屿进行综合开发。How come there are so many projects? And why such a keen interest? First and foremost, this is because they speak to the mutual need of China and countries along the routes, including the Middle East countries. Many Eurasian countries want to expedite their industrialization process and shift away from the long, old pattern of driving economic development by relying on primary products and general resource products. They hope to enhance their self-development capacity and promote diversity in the economy. As China's economy has entered a mature stage of industrialization, we have abundant quality industrial capacity and mature technologies that we can offer other countries. In addition, we can also provide personnel training and necessary financing support. Hence, I'm confident that countries in Eurasia, including the Middle East countries, will find China their ideal partner in the industrialization process. And our political will to enhance cooperation and extensive common interests will only help us achieve greater progress in the win-win cooperation. We have developed some big projects in the Middle East, for example, the Yanbu refinery in Saudi Arabia which is already in operation. This is a large petrochemical plant that helps Saudi Arabia raise its level of industrialization and capacity for self-development. We plan to build an industrial park in Oman, and will undertake a silk city project in Kuwait and launch integrated development around several islands.
丝绸之路经济带概括起来讲,包含三个方面的内容:一是互联互通。要通过铁路、公路、航空、网络等各种各样的通道,把欧亚大陆尽可能联通起来,为经济发展创造基本条件。二是产能合作。通过我们的互利合作,提高各国工业化水平和发展能力。三是人文交流。丝绸之路有一个多种文明相互学习、相互尊重、相互借鉴的良好传统,我们希望弘扬这个传统,在丝绸之路沿线开展丰富多彩的人文交流,增进中国同包括中东各国在内的沿线国家和人民之间的相互了解和友好感情,夯实中国同这些国家关系的社会基础和民意基础。这些都是我们在做的事情。The Silk Road Economic Belt, in general, has three dimensions: First, connectivity. The goal is to closely connect as much of Eurasian continent as possible by rail, road, air and network to create basic conditions for development. Second, production capacity cooperation. This is to raise the level of industrialization and enhance the capacity for development for various countries through win-win cooperation. And third, cultural and people-to-people exchange. We have fostered along the Silk Road a fine tradition of mutual learning and mutual respect between different civilizations. We hope to carry forward this tradition and conduct diverse cultural exchanges along the route to increase mutual understanding and friendship, and solidify public support for relations between China and these countries. This is what we have been doing.
四、问:您将在12号出席中阿合作论坛第七届部长级会议,中方通过中阿论坛期待实现怎样的成果?Question 4: On 12 May, you will attend the 7th Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. What outcomes does China expect out of the Forum?
王毅:中阿合作论坛是中国同发展中国家建立的一个重要的对话与合作平台。它首先体现了中国对阿拉伯国家的重视。我们希望在同阿拉伯和中东国家双边友好基础上,有一个集体对话与合作渠道,以促进阿拉伯国家整体对中国的了解和同中国的全方位合作。Wang Yi: The China-Arab States Cooperation Forum is an important platform of dialogue and cooperation that China has established with other developing countries. More than anything else, the Forum shows that China values the importance of Arab States. We hope that on the basis of bilateral friendship between China and Arab and Middle East countries, we can have a channel of collective dialogue and cooperation to promote greater understanding of China by more Arab states and their cooperation with China across the board.
这个论坛已经成立了12年,举行过6次部长级会议,取得很多重要成果,推动了我们和阿拉伯国家关系全方位的发展。例如,现在已经有5个阿拉伯国家同中国签署了“一带一路”合作协议,7个阿拉伯国家加入了中国倡导成立的亚洲基础设施投资银行,成为了创始成员国,8个阿拉伯国家跟中国建立了战略伙伴关系,还有刚刚我提到,中国已经是10个阿拉伯国家的最大贸易伙伴。此外,阿拉伯国家在中国的留学生数量快速增长,达到14000名,我们每周往返中国和阿拉伯国家的航班已经接近200班次。这些都是中阿合作论坛成立以来,经过双方共同努力取得的成果。The Forum is now 12 years old, and six ministerial meetings have been held. It has produced many important outcomes and advanced China's relations with Arab states in all respects. For instance, five Arab states have signed cooperation agreements with China under the Belt and Road Initiative. Seven Arab states have joined as founding members the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank established under China's proposal. Eight Arab countries have established strategic partnerships with China. And as I mentioned just now, China has become the largest trading partner of 10 Arab states. In addition, the number of students from Arab states studying in China has risen rapidly to 14,000. Every week, nearly 200 flights travel between China and Arab countries. These are all what has been accomplished through joint efforts of both sides since the inception of the Forum.
即将在卡塔尔召开的第七届部长级会议,非常重要的一个着力点就是同阿拉伯国家共同商讨落实习近平主席今年1月份访问阿盟时提出的中国对阿拉伯国家友好政策和宣布的一系列重大举措。例如,如何落实用于阿拉伯国家提高工业化能力的150亿美元专项贷款,如何用好主要用于基础设施建设的100亿美元优惠贷款,还有分别同卡塔尔和阿联酋各100亿美元的投资基金,我们希望这两个基金能够为阿拉伯国家的发展发挥它的作用。我们还将在本次会议上宣布一些新的举措,比如未来2年增加从阿拉伯国家邀请6000名政府奖学金学生,为阿拉伯国家培养6000名专业人才,邀请600名阿拉伯国家各政党、各政治派别的领导人到中国来参观考察,同中方相关部门就治国理政进行平等、友好交流等等。总而言之,我们会再出台一系列中国加强同阿拉伯国家关系的具体措施,来体现我们对阿拉伯国家的友好政策。At the upcoming 7th Ministerial Meeting held in Qatar, our discussion with Arab states will be focused on ways to follow through on President Xi Jinping's policy initiative to achieve China's friendly ties with Arab countries and a number of key measures he announced during his visit to the League of Arab States last January. We will discuss matters such as how to put into use the US$15 billion special loans for helping Arab states improve their industrialization capabilities and the US$10 billion concessional loans for infrastructure building. We will also discuss how to use the two US$10 billion cooperation funds established with Qatar and the UAE respectively. We hope that the two funds will play their role for the development of Arab states. At the meeting, we will announce some new measures. For example, in the next two years, we will invite to China additional 6,000 students from Arab states under government scholarships, train 6,000 professionals for Arab states and invite 600 leaders of different political parties and group of Arab countries to visit China and hold equal-footed and friendly exchanges on governance issues with relevant authorities of China. In short, we will introduce another host of specific policies and measures on strengthening China-Arab states relations as part of our policies to enhance friendship with Arab states.
五、问:中国长期关注巴勒斯坦问题,为什么不敦促以色列解除对加沙封锁、人道对待巴勒斯坦人民?Question 5: China has followed the question of Palestine for years. Why don't you urge Israel to lift its blockade in Gaza and treat the Palestinian people humanely?
王毅:我们一贯坚定支持巴勒斯坦人民恢复民族权利的正义事业,反对加沙地区长期遭受封锁。习近平主席在阐述我国对于巴勒斯坦问题的政策时,曾公开呼吁解除对加沙的封锁。加沙问题是整个巴勒斯坦问题的一部分,我们支持在解决巴勒斯坦问题进程中解决好加沙问题。Wang Yi: We firmly support the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their national rights and oppose to the prolonged blockade in the Gaza Strip. When outlining China's policy on the Palestinian issue, President Xi Jinping publicly called for the lifting of the blockade in Gaza. The Gaza issue is part of the Palestinian question. We support the effort to address it in the process of resolving the Palestinian question as a whole.
当务之急是关注那里出现的人道主义危机,为当地人民遭受的苦难提供必要支持和帮助。同时还要为根本上解决问题开辟新的思路。我最近接待了巴勒斯坦外长,他跟我谈到了一些很重要的想法,他认为现在都在谈论难民问题,但不应该忘记巴勒斯坦难民问题,我非常赞成。巴勒斯坦的民众已经颠沛流离半个多世纪,始终没有建立起自己的家园,这种不公平、不合理的现象不能再继续下去。明年是联合国通过巴勒斯坦分治决议70周年,70年过去了,巴勒斯坦人民的正义主张和民族夙愿仍然没有实现,这需要引起国际社会的高度重视,应该进一步形成合力,尽快解决好巴勒斯坦问题。The pressing task at the moment is to focus on the humanitarian crisis there and offer necessary support and help to the local people who are suffering. At the same time, new ideas should be explored for ultimately resolving the issue. Recently I met the Palestinian Foreign Minister in China. He raised some very important ideas. He said that the Palestinian refugees should not be forgotten when everybody is talking about the refugee issue. I could not agree more. The refugees of Palestine have been displaced for over half a century, unable to build their own homeland. Such an unfair and unreasonable phenomenon cannot be allowed to persist. Next year will mark the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Palestine Partition Plan. Seventy years have passed, but the just propositions and national aspirations the Palestinian people are yet to be realized. The international community should place high importance on it and further pool together energy to solve the Palestinian question at an early date.
巴勒斯坦问题是中东问题的核心,关乎人类的良知和正义。我们不能让这个问题继续拖延,不能让巴勒斯坦的兄弟姐妹继续流离失所。巴勒斯坦跟法国正在商谈扩大解决巴勒斯坦问题的国际机制,中方对此持开放和积极态度。我们认为确实应该有更多国家关注和参与巴勒斯坦问题的解决。如果有这样一个新的更大范围的机制,中方愿意积极参与,发挥建设性作用。This issue is at the core of the Middle East question. It bears on the conscience and justice of mankind and we cannot afford to let it drag on. Neither can we allow our brothers and sisters to remain displaced. Palestine and France are now having discussions on expanding the international mechanism to solve the issue and China's attitude is open and supportive. We do believe that more countries should care about and participate in the settlement of the Palestinian issue. If such a new and broader mechanism is in place, China is ready to take an active part in it and play a constructive role.

六、问:巴勒斯坦人民是否可以期待中国在推动解除封锁方面采取进一步措施呢?Question 6: Can the Palestinian people expect China to take further measures on pushing for the lifting of the blockade?
王毅:我们会继续在各种国际和多边场合发出呼吁,要求尽快解除对加沙的封锁,要求国际社会更加关注巴勒斯坦人民的命运,要求越来越多国家支持巴勒斯坦尽快实现建国的夙愿。我们过去是这样做的,今后我们会继续这样做,中国将永远同巴勒斯坦人民站在一起。Wang Yi: We will continue to call for an early lifting of the blockade in Gaza on various international and multilateral occasions. We will call on the international community to pay greater attention to the sufferings of the Palestinian people and urge more countries to support Palestine in fulfilling its long-held dream of statehood as soon as possible. This is what we have all along been doing and we will continue to do so in future. China will always stand side by side with the Palestinian people.
七、问:俄罗斯和叙利亚政府在阿勒颇发动战争,导致数百万叙利亚人流离失所,您如何看待这个问题?Question 7: The governments of Russia and Syria have launched a war in Aleppo and millions of Syrians are displaced as a result. What's your take on this issue?
王毅:我们始终支持由叙利亚人民自己决定叙利亚的命运,支持通过政治方式解决叙利亚问题。所以中方对主张政治解决叙利亚问题的安理会决议投了赞成票。我们支持叙人所有、叙人主导的进程,相信只要叙利亚各种政治力量、各个党派坐在一起,真正从叙利亚国家和人民的根本和长远利益出发,就一定能够找到解决问题的办法。没有跨不过去的坎,关键是要超越一党一派的得失。而域外力量应为叙利亚人民自主解决问题提供必要支持,发挥建设性作用。Wang Yi: We have all along supported the Syrian people in determining the future of Syria on their own and we support a political settlement of the issue of Syria. That is why the Chinese side voted for the UN Security Council's resolution calling for a political solution to the Syrian issue. We support a process owned and led by the Syrian people and believe that as long as all the political forces, parties and groups can sit down together and truly bear in mind the fundamental and long-term interests of the nation and people of Syria, a way will be found to solve the issue. No difficulty is insurmountable, so long as the parties are willing to go beyond the selfish interests of their own party or group. External forces should provide necessary support for and play a constructive role in the Syrian people's effort to solve the issue on their own.
我们看到很多国家都在不同程度地介入叙利亚问题。据了解,俄罗斯是应叙利亚政府的正式邀请参与到叙利亚问题的解决进程中,打击叙利亚境内的极端恐怖势力。应该说,在俄罗斯等各方共同努力之下,叙利亚境内的恐怖势力得到了一定遏制,否则就不可能有最近重新启动的叙利亚和谈,也不可能有人道主义救援的相继展开。最近和谈遇到了困难,停火也受到了各种因素挑战,越是在这种情况下,越需要坚定地把和谈推动下去,越需要所有域外国家都能够发挥积极作用。中国的立场是一贯的、明确的,就是坚定不移地走政治解决道路,因为只有政治解决才符合叙利亚人民、叙利亚国家民族的根本利益。We see that many countries have been involved in the issue to various degrees. To our knowledge, Russia has been officially invited by the Syrian government to join in the process of solving the Syrian issue and to fight the extremist and terrorist forces in Syria. It is fair to say that terrorist forces in Syria have been contained to a certain degree thanks to the joint efforts of Russia and other parties concerned. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to have this new round of peace talks or to conduct any humanitarian assistance. The peace talks are in difficulty recently and the ceasefire has been challenged by various factors. Under such circumstances, it is all the more necessary to stay firm in pushing forward the peace talks and encourage all countries outside this region to play a positive role. China's position has been consistent and clear, namely, it is important to follow the path of political settlement, because only a political solution can serve the fundamental interests of the people and nation of Syria.
问:但是他们打着反恐的旗号犯下了战争的罪行,不是这样吗?Follow-up: But they have committed war crimes under the disguise of fighting terrorists, haven't they?
王毅:我想具体情况当地人民最了解,也最有发言权。其他国家在这个问题的判断上应采取谨慎态度。如果要问中国在这方面采取何种标准,具体来说,关于如何评判一个国家进入另一个国家境内采取军事行动,我们主要有两条标准:第一条,这个行动必须得到当事国的同意,或者受到当事国邀请;第二条,这个行动必须符合国际法和国际关系的基本准则。不管是在叙利亚、伊拉克,还是在也门,还是其他地方发生的军事行动,中方都根据这两条来做出判断。Wang Yi: I believe the local people know the best what happens there and they have the best say on that. Other countries should be cautious in making any judgment on this matter. On what criteria China adopts in this regard, in specific terms, on how to view a country's entry into the territory of another country for a military operation, we mainly have two criteria: first, the operation must have the prior consent of the country concerned or must be carried out at its invitation; second, the operation must comply with international law and basic norms governing international relations. China follows these two criteria in forming its views on military operations, no matter it is in Syria, Iraq, Yemen or any other places.
八、问:现在伊拉克、叙利亚和也门都有数百万难民,中国在解决世界人道主义危机方面会做出哪些努力?Question 8: With millions of refugees in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, what efforts is China making to help resolve humanitarian crises in the world?
王毅:中国作为一个负责任大国,作为阿拉伯人民的朋友,我们非常同情这些流离失所的难民,在力所能及范围内提供支持。首先,我们在各种国际舞台上呼吁国际社会更加关心和重视,并且采取措施解决难民危机;第二,我们已经提供了多批人道主义援助,这两年已经提供了6.8亿元人民币的紧急人道主义物资援助,不仅在叙利亚,也向其他地区难民直接提供帮助。今年初,习近平主席宣布再提供2.3亿元人民币新的人道主义援助。我们还在不久前伦敦召开的难民国际论坛上宣布提供1万吨粮食援助,解决难民的迫切需求。Wang Yi: China is a responsible major country and a friend of the Arab people. We care deeply about the refugees and try to help them as much as we can. First of all, we appeal to the world to pay more attention, show more support and take action to resolve the refugee crisis. Secondly, China itself has provided several batches of humanitarian assistance. In the past two years, we have provided 680 million yuan of emergency supplies to help refugees in Syria and elsewhere. Early this year, President Xi Jinping announced a new aid package of 230 million yuan. Not long ago in London, China pledged 10,000 tons of food assistance to meet the urgent need of the refugees.
另一方面,我们认为难民问题的解决应该标本兼治,必须找到产生难民的根源。这样才能从根本上消除难民产生的土壤和条件。我们大家都看得很清楚,中东为什么会出现这么多难民,首先是国家动荡,进入无政府状态,接着是战乱频发,刺激各种极端势力和恐怖主义滋生,然后老百姓遭殃,不得不背井离乡,流离失所。所以解决难民问题必须着力把目前存在的热点问题解决好。这些热点问题解决了,有了一个正常的政府治理,有了一个健全的国家机构,在国际社会帮助下,难民问题才有可能根除。On the other hand, we think it necessary to address both the symptoms and root causes. We must find the underlying causes of the refugee issue in order to fundamentally remove its breeding ground. People know very well how the refugee issue has come about. You have countries in chaos, governments in disarray, wars and conflicts breaking out, and the rise of extremism and terrorism. People suffer immensely and have no choice but to flee their homes. So, to resolve the refugee crisis, the current hotspot issues must be resolved. Only when normal governance and sound state institutions are in place, will it be possible for the refugee issue to be thoroughly resolved with the help of the international community.
九、问:中国同阿拉伯国家和海湾国家关系很好,中国和伊朗的关系怎样?Question 9: China is on good terms with Arab states and the Gulf States. What does China's relationship with Iran look like?
王毅:我们跟所有国家都愿意建立和发展正常友好交往,阿拉伯国家是我们的好朋友,毫无疑问伊朗同我们之间也有长久的交往。伊朗核问题全面协议的达成应该说解决了一个大问题,解决了国际社会对伊朗可能发展核武计划的担心,这对维护中东地区的和平,维护国际核不扩散机制是有利的。随着全面协议的进一步贯彻和落实,伊朗也可以和其他国家开展正常交往。我们同伊朗的关系从本质上来讲是建立在和平共处五项原则基础上的国与国关系,随着对伊朗制裁的解除,中国同伊朗的交往自然会增多。同时,我们也会鼓励和支持伊朗同邻国改善关系和开展合作,为地区的和平与稳定发挥积极作用,包括为解决目前存在的热点问题贡献伊朗的力量,我们会继续朝着这个方向发挥自己的作用。Wang Yi: China desires normal and friendly ties with all countries. Arab states are our good friends and, of course, Iran has long-standing ties with us. The comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue is very helpful, as it has addressed international concerns about Iran's possible nuclear program. It is a good deal for peace in the Middle East and for the international non-proliferation regime. With the implementation of the agreement, Iran could have normal interactions with other countries. Between China and Iran, we have state-to-state relations based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. With the lifting of sanctions, there will be more interactions between our two countries. We will encourage and support efforts by Iran to improve relations and work with its neighbors and to be a positive force for regional peace and stability, including contributing to the settlement of various hotspot issues. China will continue to work along this line.
十、问:俄罗斯又开始了同西方的竞争,中国如何看待俄罗斯?是竞争对手还是合作伙伴?Question 10: Russia is again in rivalry with the West. How does China see Russia? Is it a competitor or a partner?
王毅:我们希望所有国家都成为合作伙伴,跟俄罗斯同样如此。因为俄罗斯是中国最大的邻国,双方有着漫长的边界线。你可能知道,过去的中苏关系起起伏伏,并不是很顺畅,一度还严重对立,甚至发生过局部冲突。后来中俄双方吸取了过去的经验教训,把两国关系建立在更加正常和友好的基础之上,这个基础就是不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方。这些年来,中国同俄罗斯之间的各方面合作持续发展。我们是邻国,有很多相互需求。在经济发展上,双方优势互补,能够不断深化互利合作。在国际和地区事务中,中国希望能够在推进世界多极化和国际关系民主化,以及维护好发展中国家正当利益等方面,同俄罗斯开展协调,加强沟通,在国际舞台上主持公道,共同发挥好两国的积极作用。Wang Yi: We hope that all countries are our partners. This is certainly the case with Russia, because it is China's largest neighbor and we share a long border. As you may know, historically, relationship between China and the Soviet Union went through ups and downs. There were tensions, confrontations and even local conflicts. Later, the two sides learned lessons and built a more normal, friendly relationship on the basis of the fact that the relationship is not an alliance, nor is it confrontational or targeted at any third party. In recent years, China and Russia have worked closely together in various fields, and we do need each other as neighbors. For instance, we combine each other's strength economically, and work hard to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides. When it comes to international and regional affairs, China hopes to achieve a multi-polar world and democracy in international relations. We are talking frequently and working in concert with Russia to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries and jointly playing an active role in upholding justice in the international arena.
十一、问:在第二次世界大战之后,英法从中东地区撤出,美国填补了他们留下的真空,现在美国正在逐步撤离中东,中国是否在政治上军事上做好了准备来填补美国在中东留下的真空呢?Question 11: After WWII, Britain and France pulled out of the Middle East, leaving a vacuum which was filled by the United States. Now, the United States is reducing its presence. Is China ready, politically and militarily, to fill the vacuum in the Middle East?
王毅:“填补真空”这个描述,对中东国家掌握自己命运的自主权利有些不尊重。我认为中东地区从来不存在真空,中东是中东人民的家园,中东各国人民有权利、也有能力把家园维护建设好。其他国家要帮忙可以,但是并不存在所谓的真空让他们去填补。我们首先还是要相信中东人民能够把命运掌握在自己手里,能够团结起来共同建设好、发展好中东地区。这既是中国的期待,也应该是中东各国人民共同的努力方向。Wang Yi: The expression "to fill the vacuum" does not show enough respect for the right of the Middle East to decide its own future. I don't think there is a "vacuum" there. People in the Middle East have the right and ability to make their own home a better place. It's fine if other countries want to help, but, just to be clear, there is no vacuum to fill. Above anything else, we must believe that people in the Middle East are able to master their own destiny and come together to build a better region. This is what China wants to see and all peoples in the Middle East should work for.
问:刚才部长阁下关于“真空”这个问题的答案我非常欣赏,您的答案传递了这样一个信息,中国是尊重阿拉伯人民的主权与独立的,阿拉伯国家的领导人应该清楚,阿拉伯地区和中东地区是没有真空的,他们应该自己主宰自己的未来。Follow-up: Minister, I appreciate your answer about "vacuum". What you said sends a message that China respects the sovereignty and independence of the Arab people. The Arab leaders should be clear that there is no vacuum in the Arab states and the Middle East, and they should decide their own future.
王毅:我完全支持你的观点。Wang Yi: I agree entirely.
十二、问:二十世纪是美国的世纪,二十一世纪是否能够成为中国的世纪呢?Question 12: The 20th century was the American century. Can we expect the 21st century to be the Chinese century?
王毅:把一个世纪说成是某个国家的世纪这种说法,我们中国不太愿意使用。因为我们始终认为,各国的事情应由本国人民来决定,世界上的事情应由各国共同商量解决,不应该由某一个国家主宰或垄断。从这个意义上来讲,中国从一开始就支持以联合国为核心的当代国际体系。联合国是当今世界最有权威性、最具普遍性的政府间国际组织,在各国人民的共同支持下,制订了《联合国宪章》。我们认为,现在世界上发生的很多问题:动荡、混乱、甚至是战争,实际上都是同没有真正履行好《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则有关系。因为《联合国宪章》最核心的内容就是尊重国家主权,不干涉内政,和平解决争端,加强国际合作。如果世界各国,不管大国还是小国,不管强国还是弱国,都能够切实恪守《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则,这个世界一定会更加和平,更加安宁,各国也一定会得到共同的发展,这是我们追求的目标,也是我们的外交哲学。Wang Yi: It's not China's preference to describe any century as one belonging to a certain country. We believe that affairs of a country should be handled by its own people, and likewise the affairs of the world should be handled through discussion by all countries, instead of being dominated or monopolized by any single country. In this sense, China has all along supported the current international system with the United Nations at its core. The UN is the most authoritative inter-governmental organization with the broadest representation, whose Charter is endorsed by people across the world. In fact, many problems in our world, turbulence, chaos and wars, all result from the failure to fully implement the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, the very essence of which is respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs, peaceful settlement of disputes and international cooperation. If all countries, big and small, strong and weak, abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, the world will be more peaceful and stable, and countries will prosper together. That is the goal and philosophy of China's diplomacy.

十三、问:美国现在正在衰落,在未来的十到二十年这种衰落会非常明显,中国已经准备好领导这个世界了吗?哪怕是因为美国衰落中国被迫领导这个世界,中国准备好了吗?Question 13: The United States is on a path of decline, and such decline will become quite pronounced in the next ten to twenty years. Is China prepared to lead the world, even if it is forced to do so because of the US decline?
王毅:如何评判美国的地位和影响,各国看法可能并不完全一致。根据我们对美国的了解,在今后很长一段时间内美国还是会保持世界第一的位置。但是这并不意味这个世界只能由一个国家来领导,实际上这个世界也不可能由一个国家来领导。还是应该通过加强国际合作,共同把我们这个星球建设好,维护好。Wang Yi: Different countries may not have exactly the same assessment of the status and influence of the US. From what we know about the country, the United States will probably remain the world's No. 1 for a fairly long time to come. But this does not mean that the world can only be led by one country, which, in fact, is simply impossible. We need greater international cooperation to ensure a better future for our planet.
习近平主席在去年纪念联合国成立七十周年峰会上提出了非常重要的理念,呼吁各国携起手来共同建设人类命运共同体。因为现在世界各国之间已经相互依存,相互融合,地球已经变成了一个地球村,大家谁也离不开谁。这样的话,我们就应该建设一个利益共同体、责任共同体、安全共同体,直至建立一个全人类的命运共同体,这完全符合全人类的共同利益,也应该是我们的一个崇高目标。At the summits marking the 70th anniversary of the UN last year, President Xi Jinping laid out a very important vision, calling on countries to work together for a community of shared future for mankind. Given the level of interdependence and integration among the world's nations, our planet has in fact become a village where no one can prosper in isolation. This requires us to build a community of shared interests, shared responsibilities and shared security, and eventually a community of shared future for mankind. Such an endeavor is in the common interest of all mankind and should be a lofty goal for us.
十四、问:美国国防部长卡特4月中旬出席美国菲律宾联合军演之后,指责中国将南海地区军事化,亚太地区国家也对中国采取的陆域吹填行动感到担忧。这是美国、东南亚国家对中国的军事挑衅吗?Question 14: After attending the US-Philippines joint military drill in mid-April, US Defense Secretary Carter accused China of militarizing the South China Sea and said that countries in the Asia Pacific were concerned about China's land reclamation. Is this a military provocation by the US and Southeast Asian countries against China?
王毅:我想你的这个判断是有道理的。因为南海本来是和平的,也是稳定的。至于历史上遗留下来的具体岛礁争议,虽然中国的权益受到了侵害,但是我们坚持以和平的方式,通过对话和协商来寻求妥善解决,这个进程正在进行当中。Wang Yi: Your question makes sense. The South China Sea is originally peaceful and stable. As for the disputes left over from history over some specific islands and reefs, China is committed to seeking proper, peaceful settlement through dialogue and consultation even though its own rights and interests had been infringed upon. This process is still under way.
岛礁建设其实南海一些沿岸国很早就开始了,包括在他们侵占的中国岛礁上进行各种各样的所谓建设。中国只是最近才开始一些必要的建设。中国的建设一方面是为了改善岛礁上人员的生活和工作条件。时间长了风吹雨淋,我们当然需要改善。另一方面,中国作为南海最大的沿岸国,也愿意通过建设必要的设施来提供更多公共产品,发挥它的公益功能。比如我们建设的一些灯塔,这些灯塔开启之后,过往的船只都会受益,他们都觉得是一件很好的事情。我们建设一些救急的港口,包括医疗设施、气象站,也会发挥很好的公益作用。我们这种做法不违反任何国际法,也不影响航行自由,反而提供了大家都需要的公共产品。拿这个事情去炒作、去渲染完全是没有必要的。换句话说,恐怕有其他政治上的图谋。Some littoral states of the South China Sea started construction on the islands and reefs many years ago, including their so-called construction on the Chinese islands and reefs they illegally occupied. China began some necessary construction only very recently. For one thing, China's construction is meant to improve the living and working conditions of the personnel on the islands and reefs. Harsh natural conditions-the wind and rains-have made such improvements absolutely necessary. At the same time, China, as the largest littoral state of the South China Sea, is willing to provide more public goods by building necessary facilities which can benefit everyone. For example, we have built light houses which, once in operation, will benefit all vessels that pass by. People think this is a good thing. The ports we built for emergency relief, including medical facilities and meteorological stations, will also serve the public good. What we did does not breach any international law or affect the freedom of navigation. Quite the contrary, we are providing public goods that everyone needs. To play up or sensationalize the matter makes no sense. Any sensationalization is probably driven by certain political agenda.
至于刚才谈到的所谓军事化问题,我想大家都知道,任何国家都有国际法所赋予的自保权和自卫权。我们在自己驻守的岛礁上有一些自卫设施,实际上非常正常。别的国家早就在我们周围的岛礁开始建设大量军事设施,所以我们需要有必要的防卫手段和能力,这跟军事化没有任何关系。如果说军事化,我们看到航空母舰开到南海来了,战略轰炸机飞到南海上空来了,导弹驱逐舰不断地接近中国的岛礁,向中国施加军事压力。恐怕这才是军事化,包括大规模的军事演习,还有在菲律宾建设各种各样的军事基地。As for the so-called militarization you just mentioned, it is common sense that all countries enjoy the right to self-preservation and self-defense under international law. It is therefore perfectly normal that China has some self-defense facilities on its stationed islands and reefs. Other countries have long maintained a large number of military facilities on the islands and reefs around us. We need necessary means and capabilities to defend ourselves, but this has nothing to do with militarization. If one talks about militarization, we have seen aircraft carriers coming to the South China Sea, strategic bombers flying over the South China Sea waters and guided-missile destroyers coming close to China's islands and reefs, all to exert military pressure on China. I am afraid this is what militarization really looks like, including large-scale military drills and the construction of military bases of all sorts in the Philippines.
我觉得,无论是岛礁建设也好,还是军事化问题也好,都不能用双重标准,都不能只说别人,而自己却为所欲为,这是不公平的。越来越多的国家看到了这一点,任何没有偏见的人士也都会看清楚目前的形势和问题根源所在。Now this is what I think: be it island construction or militarization, there should be no double standard. It is not fair for one to criticize others on the one hand while doing whatever he likes on the other. I think more and more countries have realized this, and people without prejudice will see clearly the current situation and the root of the problem.
十五、问:您认为美国向菲律宾派遣数千名美军士兵参加美菲联合军演,是对中国的直接威胁吗?Question 15: The US has sent several thousand American troops to the Philippines for the joint military exercise. Do you see this as a direct threat to China?
王毅:我想这种举动起码是给南海局势增加了不稳定因素,甚至是在刺激局势进一步紧张,这不是一种建设性的做法。南海问题的解决实际上已经有了一个明确的共同遵守的思路,这就是“双轨思路”,中国和东盟国家已经基本上达成了一致。Wang Yi: Such a move, to say the least, has added destabilizing factors to the South China Sea situation, if not further heightening the tensions, and we don't think it is constructive. For the settlement of the South China Sea issue, there is already a clear approach to be observed by all, that is the "dual track approach" on which China and ASEAN countries have basically agreed.
“双轨思路”的第一个轨道就是具体争议怎么解决。我们跟东盟都同意应由直接当事方坐下来谈判解决,这个做法既是《联合国宪章》所鼓励的方向,也是中国和东盟十个国家共同签字的《南海各方行为宣言》(DOC)第四条的规定。中国也好,菲律宾也好,其他东盟国家也好,都为此承担了义务。One track of this approach is about how to settle the specific disputes. China and ASEAN agreed that these disputes should be settled through negotiations by parties directly concerned. This is what the UN Charter encourages, and what has been required by Paragraph Four of the DOC jointly signed by China and the ten ASEAN countries. China, the Philippines and other ASEAN countries all have obligations to shoulder.
从这个意义上来讲,我们不赞成、不接受、也不会参与菲律宾单方面提交的所谓国际仲裁,因为这个所谓仲裁首先违反了我刚才所说的DOC第四条规定,同时也违反了仲裁须经当事方协商一致的原则。菲律宾没有与中国进行任何协商,而是强行推动。菲律宾还违反了中菲两国达成的一系列协定,其核心内容就是双方要通过谈判解决问题。此外,菲律宾声称提起仲裁是因为谈判已经穷尽,这不是事实。或者更加直截了当地讲,这是一个谎言。菲律宾向仲裁庭提交的所谓各项诉求,没有一项跟中国进行过认真的双边谈判。而中国直到今天仍然在告诉菲律宾,我们可以坐下来谈,中方对话的大门是敞开的。但菲律宾仍然拒绝与我们进行谈判和协商。我们认为,菲律宾这种做法从一开始就缺乏合法性,也缺乏正当性。It is for this reason that China does not approve of, accept or participate in the so-called international arbitration unilaterally initiated by the Philippines. Because, first of all, this so-called arbitration violates Paragraph Four of the DOC we all signed. It also goes against the principle that arbitration requires agreement between the parties concerned; the Philippines pushed for the arbitration without having any consultation with China. The Philippines also violated a number of bilateral agreements it reached with China, the centerpiece of which is to resolve problems through negotiations. What's more, the Philippines claimed that it initiated the arbitration because it had exhausted the means of negotiation. That's not true; or to put it more bluntly, that is a lie. The Philippines had not engaged in any serious bilateral negotiations with China on any of the so-called requests it submitted to the arbitral tribunal. Even till this day, China is still saying to the Philippines that we may sit down and talk, and China's door for dialogue is open. It is the Philippines who still refuses to negotiate or consult with us. As we see it, what the Philippines did lacks legality and legitimacy from the very beginning.
还有一种论调,认为接受仲裁就是合法,不接受仲裁就是无视国际法,这种说法完全站不住脚。我刚才跟你谈了,菲律宾这些做法恰恰才是缺乏法理依据的。中国不接受仲裁的做法,一是我们要坚持履行我刚才谈到的根据DOC承担的责任和义务,坚持通过双边谈判解决问题。二是我们早在10年前就根据《联合国海洋法公约》第298条所赋予的权利发表了政府声明,排除了强制性管辖。今天,中国政府当然要坚持十年前发表的声明,政府的立场要保持连贯性和一致性。应该说,中国目前恰恰是在依法行事,是在维护《联合国海洋法公约》的严肃性。这是我刚才给你介绍的第一条轨道,即具体争议由直接当事方坐下来谈。Some people contend that accepting the arbitration is observing the law, while not accepting the arbitration is a defiance of international law. Such an argument does not hold water at all. As I said just now, it is the Philippines who lacks legal basis. As for China's non-acceptance of the arbitration, for one thing, we need to honor our responsibilities and obligations under the DOC and to bilateral negotiations as the way of resolving the problem. For another, as early as ten years ago, we had issued a government statement that excluded compulsory jurisdiction, a right provided for by Article 298 of the UNCLOS. Of course, the Chinese government will stand by the statement it made ten years ago; the continuity and consistency of the government's position need to be maintained. Therefore, China is acting according to law and is safeguarding the sanctity of the UNCLOS. What I just told you is the first track, namely that specific disputes should be negotiated by parties directly involved.
另一条轨道,就是南海的和平稳定怎么办?这应由所有南海沿岸国,也就是说中国和东盟共同维护,通过合作来确保。在这个轨道上,中国和东盟正在全面落实DOC,包括开展海上合作,我们也在推进“南海行为准则”(COC)的进程,这个进程应该说还是很快的,我们希望尽快达成一致,这样我们可以更好地维护好南海的和平稳定。也就是说,中国和东盟有能力而且有意愿,通过我们的合作来维护好南海的和平与稳定。所以我们希望域外国家支持中国和东盟的努力,为此发挥建设性的作用,而不是相反。The other track is about peace and stability in the South China Sea. It should be jointly maintained and ensured by all littoral states of the South China Sea, namely China and ASEAN, through cooperation. On this track, China and ASEAN are fully implementing the DOC, including carrying out maritime cooperation. We are also advancing the COC process, which is progressing fairly fast. We hope to reach agreement as soon as possible so as to better safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea. In other words, China and ASEAN are capable and willing to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea through cooperation. So we hope countries from outside the region will support efforts by China and ASEAN and play a constructive role rather than doing the opposite.
十六、问:您曾经担任过中国驻日本大使,而中国同日本之间的关系比较紧张,前两天日本外相来中国进行了访问,在这种情况下您如何看待中日关系的未来?Question 16: You served as the Chinese Ambassador to Japan. Japanese foreign minister visited China a couple of days ago amid strained relations between China and Japan. How do you see the future of China-Japan relations?
王毅:中国和日本是近邻,我们当然希望和日本建立和发展稳定的、健康的睦邻友好关系。这是中国的既定政策。但是,“一个巴掌拍不响”,这需要双方相向而行,关键要看日方采取什么样的行动,不光是看它说什么。重要的是,日方应该真正把中国作为它的合作伙伴,而不是竞争对手,作为一个友好邻邦,而不是一个所谓的威胁。如果日本能够循着这样的认识,而且把这个认识落实到对华交往具体行动上,中日关系就会走上一条稳定发展的轨道。所以现在要看日方究竟做出什么样的判断,这是目前中日关系最关键的。Wang Yi: China and Japan are close neighbors. We certainly want stable, healthy, friendly and good-neighborly relations with Japan. This is our consistent policy. But just as you cannot clap with one hand alone, the two sides need to meet each other half way. We need to see not only what Japan says, but also how it acts. It is important for Japan to view China as a cooperation partner rather than a rival, a friendly neighbor rather than a "threat". If Japan can commit itself to this common understanding and act on it in developing its relations with China, China-Japan relations will embark on a path of stable development. The China-Japan relations now hinge on what decision the Japanese side would make.
十七、问:朝鲜所采取的军事政策令世界各国都感到不安,中国是同朝鲜关系最好的国家,也是朝鲜的邻国,中国如何看待朝鲜的局势?如何看待朝鲜给世界各国,尤其是美国所带来的不安?Question 17: The DPRK has unsettled the world with its military policy. As its neighbor and probably the country with the closest relations with the DPRK, how does China view the situation in the DPRK and the concerns it has caused for countries around the world, in particular, the United States?
王毅:你提了一个很重要的问题,就是朝鲜半岛核问题。它越来越引起国际社会的关注,尤其是在伊朗核问题达成全面协议之后,各方更把目光聚焦在朝鲜半岛上。中国的立场非常清楚。我们立场就是“三个坚持”。第一,坚持实现半岛无核化。半岛不能有核武器,不能够发展也不能输入。因为这首先对南北双方不利,不利于他们的安全,同时对这个地区也不利,甚至会破坏国际核不扩散体系。第二,坚持维护半岛和平与稳定。半岛是中国的近邻,半岛一旦生战生乱会直接影响到中国,直接影响到我们的现代化进程。当然,生战生乱对各方也不利,需要共同加以避免。所以我们要共同维护好半岛的和平稳定。第三,坚持以和平方式解决半岛核问题。实际上我们已经有了很成熟的经验,就是六方会谈。六方会谈的做法就是把各自的关切都拿到桌面上来,然后相互对接,同步向前推进,一并加以解决。这是一个公平合理的办法,曾经推动六方会谈取得了很重要的成绩,而且这个做法后来被用在伊朗核问题的解决进程中,也发挥了非常好的作用。所以现在我们需要恢复六方会谈,把半岛核问题重新拉回到谈判解决的轨道上来。Wang Yi: You raised a very important question about the Korean nuclear issue. This issue has attracted growing international attention, and has been in the spotlight after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was reached on the Iranian nuclear issue. China's position is clear-cut, namely the "three commitments". First, China is committed to achieving denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula. There should be no nuclear weapons on the Peninsula, either by way of development or by import, because it does no good to either side, to their security, or to the region. Rather, it will undermine the international non-proliferation regime. Second, China is committed to peace and stability on the Peninsula. Given the geographical proximity, any chaos or war on the Peninsula would have a direct bearing on China and its modernization drive. It goes without saying that, war or chaos serves no one's interests. So we need to work together to avoid such scenario and jointly uphold peace and stability on the Peninsula. Third, China is committed to resolving the Korean nuclear issue through peaceful means. Actually, we already have good experience in dealing with this issue, that is the Six-Party Talks. Under the talks, all sides can bring their concerns to the table, talk them through and address them in parallel. This approach is fair and reasonable, and had secured important progress out of the talks in the past. It has also played a positive role in resolving the Iranian nuclear issue. As such, it is imperative to resume the Six-Party Talks and bring the nuclear issue on the Peninsula back to the track of negotiation.
就当前形势而言,当务之急是要避免半岛形势进一步紧张,尤其是要防止发生冲突,防止局势恶化甚至失控。中方正在同各方进行沟通来做这方面的努力。此外,就是要落实好联合国安理会的第2270号决议。2270号决议是安理会一致通过的,它既针对朝鲜核导计划明确了反对态度,采取了一系列必要的措施,同时也规定不应影响到朝鲜的民生,不能引发人道主义危机,要防止局势进一步紧张。2270号决议还重申要恢复六方会谈,通过谈判解决问题。这些都是2270号决议的内容,所以我们主张2270号决议应该全面完整地加以执行。In the current context, the pressing task is to avoid further escalation of tensions on the Peninsula, in particular, to forestall conflicts and prevent the situation from deteriorating or even getting out of control. The Chinese side is talking to all parties for this purpose. Moreover, UNSC Resolution 2270 should be implemented. Adopted unanimously at the Security Council, Resolution 2270 voices clear opposition against the DPRK's nuclear and missile program and sets out a host of necessary measures. At the same time, it says clearly that the measures taken should not affect the livelihood of the DPRK people, nor should they lead to humanitarian crisis or further escalation of tensions. It also reiterates the importance of resuming the Six-Party Talks and resolving the issue through negotiation. The resolution includes all these aspects and must be implemented in full.
从这个意义上讲,中方一方面作为安理会常任理事国执行安理会决议,另一方面也不放弃恢复和谈的努力。我们提出了一个恢复和谈的思路,叫做“并行推进”,实际上是借鉴了过去的经验。朝鲜方面最关心的是它的安全问题,为此需要把半岛停战机制转换为和平机制,这样来确保国家安全。我们可以理解。美国和包括中国在内的其他国家希望朝鲜放弃核导计划,都希望实现半岛无核化。我们可以把两方面关切结合起来,使推进无核化和停和机制转换并行向前推进,一起进行谈判,最终达到一揽子解决。我认为这是一个切实可行的复谈思路。我们希望同各方、特别是和六方会谈成员国密切沟通,为此不断创造条件。总之,半岛核问题必须重新纳入和平解决轨道。The Chinese side is implementing the UN resolution as a permanent member of the Security Council while pursuing the resumption of the talks. We have put forward an approach of parallel tracks, which is inspired by our past experience. For the DPRK, security is its top concern, so it wants to replace the armistice agreement with a peace treaty to ensure its national security. This is understandable, while the United States and other countries, including China, hope that the DPRK will give up its nuclear program and the denuclearization of the Peninsula can be achieved. We need to take into account both concerns and pursue, in parallel tracks, the denuclearization and the replacement of the armistice agreement with a peace treaty. We can discuss them all at the negotiating table and find a package solution. I believe this is a viable way to resume the talks. We also hope to keep close communication with all sides, members of the Six-Party Talks in particular, to create conditions for the resumption. In all, the Korean nuclear issue must be addressed peacefully.
问:现在的问题是朝鲜是否愿意放弃它的核计划呢?Follow-up: The big question now is whether the DPRK is willing to abandon its nuclear program.
王毅:你说了一个很重要的问题。朝鲜愿意还是不愿意?关键是要谈起来看,谈起来就有取得进展的可能性,如果不谈的话,就什么都没有。Wang Yi: You touched upon a very important point. Is the DPRK willing to do so? The key is to get the talks going, because no progress would be possible without the talks.

十八、问:有一个问题希望您能够比较坦诚地回答,我多次提到美国,还提到了美国国防部长卡特对中国的批评,但您在回答中并没有点名美国,您是故意这样做的吗?(因为)这样做会挑衅到美国吗?Question 18: I hope you will give a straightforward answer to this question. I mentioned several times the United States and Defense Secretary Carter's criticism of China. Yet you didn't name the United States in your answer. Did you do it deliberately to avoid provoking the United States?
王毅:该表态的时候我们一定会非常明确、清晰地把我们的立场表达出来。你刚才几次谈到美国,实际上我也向你做了明确的说明。是谁在这个地区大搞军事演习?谁把大量的先进武器派到南海,而且在不断地构建新的军事基地?我想这个国家不言自明,当然就是美国。Wang Yi: We will articulate our position very clearly when it's necessary to do so. You asked about the United States several times and I gave a clear answer already. Who is engaging in massive military exercises in this region? Who is sending a lot of advanced weaponry to the South China Sea and building new military bases? The answer is all too clear: the United States.
十九、问:刚才您说,阿拉伯国家没有真空,他们应该自己填补自己的真空。我读过您的简历,发现您成长在中国高速发展时期,中国实现了自己的梦想,实现了振兴,您是成长在“中国梦”之中的。我想了解您对阿拉伯国家的振兴有哪些建议?应该采取哪些步骤、哪些方法才能实现像中国一样的发展?Question 19: You said just now that there is no vacuum in the Arab states, and if there ever is, it is their responsibility to fill it. I have looked at your personal experience and found you grow up witnessing China's rapid development, a period when China's dream of national renewal is coming true. So you have been part of the Chinese dream. I would like to hear about your suggestions on how Arab states can revitalize their countries. What steps are needed to realize the kind of growth that China has registered?
王毅:阿拉伯民族是勤劳智慧的民族,阿拉伯人民曾经创造出辉煌的文明,为人类进步事业作出了重大历史性贡献,我们始终对阿拉伯国家的发展持一个非常乐观的态度。再加上你们有广阔的市场、丰富的资源,完全具备了进一步发展振兴的条件。我们主张各国应该找到一条符合自身国情、符合自己发展阶段,同时又能够被本国人民接受和拥护的发展道路。这样的发展才能走得长久,才能真正发挥它的作用。生搬硬套外面的东西,往往是水土不服,域外势力的干涉更会带来各种各样严重的后遗症。所以作为阿拉伯国家的朋友,我们希望阿拉伯各国能够团结起来,相互帮助、相互支持,共同振兴阿拉伯世界,为人类发展进步事业作出新的贡献。Wang Yi: The Arabs are industrious and resourceful people, who created brilliant civilizations and contributed greatly to the advancement of mankind. We have always been very optimistic about the development of the Arab states. In addition, their huge market and abundant resources put them in a good position for further development. We believe that each country needs to find a path best suited to its national conditions and development stage, one that can be accepted and supported by its people. Only such a path can lead to long-term sustained development. Other countries' experience may not fit our own national conditions. Still worse, external interference often creates serious complications. So as a friend, we hope to see Arab states come together and help and support each other to jointly revitalize the Arab world and make fresh contribution to the development of mankind.
至于每一个国家,都有不同的情况,需要每一个国家自己来实践。就中国而言,我们的成功之处就是找到了一条符合中国国情的发展道路,这就是中国特色社会主义。中国特色社会主义的实践非常丰富,最简要地来讲,就是我们这几十年很好地处理了发展、改革和稳定三者的关系。首先,全国上上下下,从我们执政党开始就确定一个目标,叫做聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,因为我们认为发展是解决中国存在所有问题的一个总钥匙。怎么实现发展呢?这就需要稳定,稳定是发展的前提。所以我们把维护稳定作为重要的任务,要维护国家的稳定,维护制度的稳定,维护政策的稳定,维护各个民族、各个地区的稳定。只有有了稳定这个前提,我们的发展才是有可能的。同时,我们还有另外一条,就是改革,因为发展需要动力,动力就来自于改革,通过改革不断发掘新的空间,发挥新的潜力,开辟新的前景。总之,正是我们处理好了发展、改革和稳定三者的辩证统一关系,才在过去基础之上,取得了新的快速发展。当然,这是中国的一些做法,供阿拉伯国家参考,我们可以进行这种经验交流。As conditions vary from country to country, it is up to each country itself to explore the best way for it. As for China, its biggest achievement is that it has found a path suited to its reality, which is socialism with Chinese characteristics and China has accumulated rich experience in this process. Put simply, for the past few decades, we have struck a balance between development, reform and stability. First, the whole nation, starting from the governing party, is committed to the overriding goal of achieving development. Because we believe that development holds the key to solving all the problems facing China. How to achieve development? It requires stability, which is a precondition for development. That is why maintaining stability is an important task for us. We need to safeguard stability of our country, our system, our policy, and all ethnic groups and regions. Development would be out of the question without a stable environment. We also need reform as it provides the driving force and creates new space, potential and prospect for development. In short, it is because we have managed to balance development, reform and stability that we have gone this far and this fast. Of course, this is just China's experience. We would be happy to share it with Arab states and have further discussions in the future.
二十、问:您将去多哈出席第七届部长级会议,中国同阿拉伯国家关系很好,如果阿拉伯国家提出同中国在和平利用核能方面进行合作的话,中国是否会同他们进行合作呢?Question 20: You will soon go to Doha for the 7th Ministerial Meeting, and we know that China and Arab states enjoy good relations. Will China say yes, if Arab states propose to cooperate with China the peaceful use of nuclear energy?
王毅:我想完全可以。习主席曾经提出一个重要的合作倡议,就是建立一个中阿和平利用核能的培训中心。我们愿意同阿拉伯国家开展这方面的合作。Wang Yi: My answer will be a definite "yes". Actually President Xi has already put forward an important initiative to set up a China-Arab training center for the peaceful use of nuclear energy. We are ready to cooperate with Arab states in this regard.
二十一、问:我再回到“一带一路”。“一带一路”如果能够得到真正实施,那么它会改变整个国际贸易和国际关系面貌吗?Question 21: Let me come back to the "Belt and Road" Initiative. Will this initiative, if fully implemented, reshape the entire landscape of global trade and international relations?
王毅:“一带一路”本质是个经济合作的倡议,寻求的是共同发展和共同繁荣。如果欧亚大陆得到振兴,如果沿线发展中国家都得到新的发展,当然也会改变世界力量对比,会使世界发展得更加平衡、公平,这当然是一件好事。“一带一路”的推进也可以增强发展中国家话语权,使我们可以有更多的力量、更大的能力维护好地区和平稳定,并且能够为世界的和平稳定作出贡献。Wang Yi: In essence, the "Belt and Road" is an economic initiative for common development and prosperity. If through its implementation, the Eurasian continent can achieve revival and developing countries along the routes can realize development, then the balance of power will be changed and global development will be more balanced and equitable. This, of course, will be something good. The "Belt and Road" will also give developing countries a stronger voice and make us more capable and powerful to safeguard regional peace and stability, and contribute to peace and stability of the whole world.
二十二、问:您作为中国外长,现在您桌上最重要的外交事务是什么呢?Question 22: As China's foreign minister, what is on top of the diplomatic agenda on your table?
王毅:首先就是到卡塔尔出席中阿合作论坛第七届部长级会议。当然,今年我们一个很重要的活动就是9月份将在中国召开二十国集团峰会。Wang Yi: The immediate one is to attend the 7th Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Qatar. But I should say a very important event for us this year is the G20 Summit to be held in China in September.
这个峰会是在一个关键的节点召开的。虽然国际金融危机最困难的时候已经过去了,但世界经济仍然低迷不振,大家对前景并不乐观。各国采取了很多刺激经济的政策,但边际效应明显下降。比如财经政策,很多国家都已经债台高筑,没有更多空间了。再比如货币政策,一些国家都已经到了零利率甚至负利率,也不可能再进一步推行。所以大家都把目光聚焦在中国召开的这次峰会上,期待峰会拿出一个振兴世界经济的新方案。我们正在跟各国协商,阿拉伯国家也有2个国家领导人将与会,我们愿意同阿拉伯国家进一步沟通。This Summit will be taking place at a crucial moment, where the most difficult period of the international financial crisis is behind us, but the world economy remains sluggish and people are not really optimistic about the economic prospects. Countries have introduced an array of stimulus policies, but the marginal effects of these policies are declining markedly. Take fiscal and economic policies as an example, many countries already have a high level of debts. There is no additional room for maneuvering. If we look at monetary policies, the interest rate is already zero or even negative in some countries and further adjustment is no longer possible. That's why people are now turning their eyes to the upcoming Summit in China, looking forward to a new formula to come out of the meeting that could reinvigorate the world economy. We are now working with all relevant countries. Two heads of Arab states will be attending the summit this time and we are ready to have further consultation with Arab countries.
我们认为,首先要用创新来发掘世界经济新的增长动能,因为旧的动能已经开始衰落了,这个新的动能要靠创新激发,比如新工业革命、大数据革命,所以我们希望这次二十国集团峰会能够制订一个全球创新增长蓝图。As we see it, we need first and foremost to explore new drivers of world economy through innovation, as the old driving forces are losing steam. These new drivers rely on innovation, including new industrial and big data revolution. And this is why we are working on a G20 Blueprint on Innovative Growth for the world economy to be adopted by the G20 this time around.
第二,我们希望今年的二十国集团峰会把发展引入议程中。这不仅因为中国是最大的发展中国家,还有一个更重要的原因是今年是联合国通过2030年可持续发展议程的第一年,我们要为广大发展中国家谋利,呼吁二十国集团这些最主要国家率先落实可持续发展议程,制订一个总体规划,包括国别行动计划,从而带动整个世界的共同发展。Second, we hope development will be incorporated into the G20 agenda this year, not only because we are the largest developing country, but more importantly, this is the inaugural year of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations. We need to champion the interests of the vast developing world, and call upon major G20 countries to take the lead in implementing the SDGs. We need to formulate a general action plan including national actions, to boost common development of the world.
第三,我们希望这个会议讨论改革,特别是结构性改革。全球各国都呼吁要进行结构性改革,这方面改革力度最大也是最有成效的就是中国。我们愿意跟各国分享结构性改革的经验做法,通过改革进一步完善全球经济和金融治理机制。Third, we hope to include reform, in particular structural reform, in the discussion at the Summit. Countries around the world are calling for structural reform, and China's reform in this regard has been the most effective and successful. We will be happy to share our experience and practice with the rest of the world, with a view to improving the world economic and financial governance architecture through reform.
此外,我们还希望进一步激活贸易和投资潜力。我们反对一切形式的贸易保护主义,希望维护以世界贸易组织为代表的多边贸易体制。我们不赞成搞碎片式相互隔离、甚至相互封闭的各种区域安排。同时我们也希望大家能够开始启动探讨是不是需要一个全球性的、大家能够共同遵守的投资指导原则或者指导规范。迄今为止,还没有这方面的尝试。当然,我们还希望通过二十国集团峰会在全球反腐败问题上进一步加大国际合作力度,包括追逃追赃等。In addition, we hope to further stimulate trade and investment. We oppose all forms of trade protectionism and will work to safeguard the multilateral trading regime represented by the WTO. We are against fragmenting regional trading arrangements, which result in isolation or even mutual exclusion. We do hope we can start the process to explore whether there is the need for a globally binding guideline or norm for investment. So far there is yet to be any attempt in this regard. Of course, we would also hope to step up international anti-corruption cooperation under the G20, including on the repatriation of fugitives and recovery of illegal assets.
总而言之,今年的二十国集团峰会是我们很重要的一项工作,我们希望并相信本届二十国集团会议能够开好、开成功,取得重要成果,并在二十国集团进程中留下深刻印记,推动二十国集团从一个危机应对平台向长期治理机制进一步升级。In conclusion, the G20-related work this year is of great importance to us. We hope and believe that this year's G20 will be successful and produce important outcomes, leaving an indelible mark on the G20 process, and further facilitating its transition from a crisis response platform to a long-term governance mechanism.
二十三:问:您如何看待未来中国同阿拉伯国家之间的关系?Question 23: What do you see of the future of China-Arab relations?
王毅:中国跟阿拉伯国家关系前景非常好。因为首先我们有着传统友好,第二我们都是发展中国家,有着广泛共同利益,第三我们没有地缘冲突。就像我的一位阿拉伯朋友说的,中国是唯一一个没有干涉过阿拉伯世界的大国。这恰恰是我们的政策,是我们的外交理念,我们对此引以为豪。再一个,中国和阿拉伯国家共同建设“一带一路”,将会进一步实现利益融合,实现中国同阿拉伯国家的共同发展。Wang Yi: I do believe we have a very promising future, because first, we enjoy traditional friendship; second, we are all developing countries with broad common interests; and third, we do not have any geopolitical conflict. As one of my Arab friends once said, China is the only major country that has never interfered in the Arab world. This is exactly our policy and our diplomatic philosophy, which we take pride in. Moreover, with China and Arab states partnering on the "Belt and Road" initiative, our interests will further converge, which will go a long way towards achieving common development.
目前影响阿拉伯国家发展的问题主要是地区热点问题,我们愿意本着不干涉内政原则,更加建设性地参与到热点问题的解决过程中。而且我们的方向非常明确,不管出现什么情况,我们都会坚持政治解决,都坚持鼓励和支持阿拉伯国家通过自己的努力解决自身存在的问题。无论是叙利亚问题,还是利比亚问题、也门问题,我们认为只要这个国家的各种政治力量坐在一起进行认真谈判,就没有任何恩怨是不能够消弥的。The current obstacles standing in the way of Arab countries' development are regional hotspots. To address that, China is willing to contribute more to their settlement in a constructive manner on the basis of the non-interference principle. Our approach is very clear. No matter what happens, we will stick to political settlement and will encourage and support Arab states in solving their problems through their own efforts. Be it the Syria issue, the Libya issue or Yemen issue, as long as all the relevant political forces in the country can sit down and have serious talk, there will be no grievance that cannot be resolved.
阿拉伯国家是最了解这个地区的,我们鼓励阿拉伯国家特别是阿盟能够为这个地区的热点问题解决发挥积极作用。至于域外国家,我们当然更愿意看到以联合国为主渠道,为阿拉伯国家解决问题营造一个更好的外部环境,形成一个国际社会理解和支持的外部氛围。我认为并且相信,阿拉伯国家各国人民一定能够克服暂时的困难,共同开辟阿拉伯地区新的未来,在这个进程中,中国是你们最可靠、最友好的合作伙伴。Arab states know this region the best. We encourage Arab states, especially the Arab League, to play an active role in the settlement of regional hotspots. We will be more than happy to see that through the main channel of the UN, countries outside the region will create a better environment for Arab states to address the problems, thus bringing about a favorable atmosphere of international understanding and support. We believe and are confident that the people of Arab states will surmount the current difficulties and usher in a new future for the region. In this process, China will be your best friend and most reliable partner.