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发布时间:2017-04-05 16:18:07  | 来源:中国网  | 作者:  | 责任编辑:李潇

4月4日,国家主席习近平乘专机抵达赫尔辛基,开始对芬兰共和国进行国事访问。这是习近平和夫人彭丽媛步出舱门。[新华社 饶爱民 摄]
Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan arrive in Helsinki, Finland, April 4, 2017. Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived here Tuesday for a state visit to Finland. (Xinhua/Rao Aimin)
4月3日,在对芬兰共和国进行国事访问前夕,国家主席习近平在芬兰《赫尔辛基时报》发表题为《穿越历史的友谊》的署名文章。文章如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping published a signed article in the Finnish newspaper Helsinki Times on Monday under the title "Our Enduring Friendship" ahead of his state visit to Finland on April 4-6. The following is the full text of the article:


Our Enduring Friendship
By H.E. Xi Jinping
President of the People's Republic of China

4月,草木初萌,春意渐浓。在这个美好的季节里,受尼尼斯托总统邀请,我即将对芬兰进行国事访问,感到十分高兴。At the invitation of President Sauli Niinisto, I am delighted to pay a state visit to Finland in this beautiful spring season of budding plants and blooming flowers.
我曾经两次到访芬兰,这里纯净秀丽的林湖风光、勤勉创新的发展理念、淳厚安宁的人文风情,给我留下美好印象。芬兰地处东西方文明交汇前沿,数百年来,芬兰人民在历史激荡中奋勇前行,发扬坚韧不拔的“西苏”精神,取得民族独立、国家富强的伟大成就。这里孕育了交响乐大师西贝柳斯,研发出享誉世界的Linux操作系统,并发展成全球幸福和清廉指数最高的国家之一。I have been to Finland twice before. Your scenic and unspoiled lakes and forests, your development philosophy that values diligence and innovation, and your kind and honest people all left me fond memories. Finland lies at the crossroads of Eastern and Western civilizations.Throughout the centuries, the Finns, with their "sisu" spirit, have forged ahead despite many vicissitudes and made remarkable achievements in national independence and prosperity. This country is home to the great composer Jean Sibelius and the well-regarded Linux operating system. It also has one of the highest rankings on the World Happiness Index and the Corruption Perceptions Index.
今年适逢芬兰独立百年纪念,我很高兴同芬兰人民分享喜悦之情。中国和芬兰在近代历史上有着相似经历,对芬兰的民族自豪感有着强烈共鸣。As this year marks the centenary of Finland's independence, it is indeed a pleasure for me to share the joy of the Finnish people on this occasion. Due to similar experiences in our modern history, the Finnish sense of national pride has strong resonance among the Chinese people.

China and Finland have a close bond. Finland is one of the first Western countries to establish diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China and the first Western country to sign an intergovernmental trade agreement with China. In 1952, Finland invited China to participate in the 15th Summer Olympic Games in Helsinki, marking the first time that the national flag of the People's Republic was raised at the Games. In the early 1970s, Finland is one of the few Western countries that actively supported the restoration of China's lawful seat at the United Nations. Following the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province in 2008, the Finnish Red Cross donated nearly 20 tons of emergency supplies and Finnair provided free shipping for tents donated by various countries.

Many Finnish companies have had great success in China, pointing to the win-win nature of our economic, scientific and technological cooperation. For decades, China has maintained close cooperation with Finland on international affairs, and has supported Finland in playing a bigger role in the world and contributing more to global peace and development.

两国人民的深厚感情为双边关系发展奠定了坚实基础,中芬关系经受住时间和国际风云变幻考验,成为不同幅员、不同文化、不同发展水平国家和平共处、友好交往的典范。当前,中芬两国正在积极构建面向未来的新型合作伙伴关系,两国关系面临良好发展机遇。中国始终从战略高度和长远角度看待中芬关系,坚持相互尊重、平等相待,通过互利合作谋求共同发展。Thanks to the reservoir of goodwill, the China-Finland relationship has been able to grow on a solid foundation. Passing the test of time and international changes, it sets an example for peaceful co-existence and friendly exchanges between two countries that are different in size, culture and development level. At present, China and Finland are working to build a future-oriented new-type cooperative partnership. This provides tremendous opportunities for expanding our relationship. China has all along approached our ties from a strategic and long-term perspective and pursued common development on the basis of win-win cooperation, equality and mutual respect.
中芬经济优势互补,合作互利共赢的特点突出。中国连续14年成为芬兰在亚洲最大贸易伙伴,双方双向投资增长强劲。中国推进“十三五”规划同芬兰实施“2025发展愿景”多有契合,双方在创新创业、清洁能源、生物经济、北极科研等领域务实合作将呈现更多新亮点。中方正在积极推进“一带一路”建设,欢迎芬方积极参与。With highly complementary economies, China-Finland cooperation has delivered clear benefits to both sides. China has remained Finland's largest trading partner in Asia for the past 14 years. Two-way investment is growing rapidly. China's 13th Five-Year Plan dovetails with Vision: Finland 2025, promising exciting cooperation in such areas as innovation, entrepreneurship, clean energy, bio-economy and arctic research, to name just a few. Last but not least, Finland is welcome to take an active part in China's land and maritime Silk Road initiative.
中芬人员往来密切,人文交流蓬勃发展。中国游客赴芬兰观赏北极光、探访圣诞老人的人数持续增加。“欢乐春节”庙会活动已在芬兰连续举办11年,成为许多芬兰朋友在隆冬期待的品牌活动。赫尔辛基艺术节中国主宾国活动和在北京举办的“你好,赫尔辛基”文化活动受到两国人民欢迎。中国将于2022年举办冬季奥运会,芬兰是世界冰雪运动强国,双方合作大有可为。Our two countries also enjoy vibrant people-to-people ties. There is a steady rise in the number of Chinese visiting Finland for the Northern Lights and Santa Claus. The annual "Happy Spring Festival" fair, held in Finland for the past 11 years, has become a popular winter event anticipated by many Finns. The Helsinki Art Festival with China as the guest of honor and "Moi, Helsinki" cultural event in Beijing have been well received among the local communities. With Finland doing so well in winter sports and China hosting the Winter Olympics in 2022, there is much we can do together in this area.
这次访问是我担任中国国家主席后首次访问北欧地区。北欧经济发达、创新活跃,中国和北欧国家有着良好双边关系和真诚合作意愿,双方各领域交流合作稳步扩大。次区域合作是中欧关系有益补充,相信中国同北欧的密切联系将为促进欧洲繁荣和中欧关系发展作出贡献。This visit will be my first to the Nordic region as President of China. Nordic countries have advanced economies and strong innovation capacity. China and Nordic countries enjoy good relations and share a sincere desire for cooperation. Our exchanges and cooperation in various fields are blossoming. Sub-regional cooperation is a useful complement to China-Europe relations. I am sure that the close ties between China and Nordic countries will be a contributing factor to European prosperity and China-Europe relations.
当前,欧洲形势正在发生深刻复杂变化。我们认为,欧洲一体化顺应历史发展潮流,欧洲繁荣稳定有利于世界和平发展大势,相信欧洲有智慧、有能力克服挑战。在这一过程中,中国是欧洲值得信赖的伙伴。At the moment, Europe is undergoing profound and complex changes. China is of the view that European integration is consistent with the trend of history, and a prosperous and stable Europe is conducive to world peace and development. We believe that Europe has the wisdom and capability to overcome the challenges. In this process, Europe can count on China's support.
中国和欧盟是世界上两支重要力量。当前,中欧全面战略伙伴关系发展日趋成熟深入,和平、增长、改革、文明四大伙伴关系全面推进,中欧共同投资基金、互联互通等五大平台建设取得积极进展。中欧双方都在推进结构性改革,促进经济社会发展。双方对接各自发展战略、加强利益融合,对促进中欧共同增长具有重要意义。中欧双方要坚持开放包容的共同理念,为促进世界和平和繁荣作出新贡献。China and the EU have important roles to play in the world. The China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership is deepening and maturing, and the partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization are advancing in all respects. We are making good progress in the building of the five agreed platforms, including the China-EU mutual investment fund and the China-EU connectivity platform. Both China and European countries are pursuing structural reform for greater economic and social development. It is of vital importance for the common growth of China and Europe that we synergize our development strategies and expand our common interests. Indeed, we have a shared responsibility to uphold openness and inclusiveness and make new contributions to global peace and prosperity.
新的历史篇章,需要各国人民共同书写。中芬两国人民要携手合作,同各国人民一道,努力创造人类更加幸福美好的明天!A new chapter of history is being written by people of the world. The Chinese people wish to join hands with the Finnish people and others to create a better future for mankind.
(Source: Xinhua)