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发布时间:2023-03-21 10:10:11  | 来源:中国网  | 作者:王晓辉  | 责任编辑:李潇





《西游记》第八回(“我佛造经传极乐 观音奉旨上长安”),观世音菩萨和猪八戒有这样一段对话:




The Bodhisattva said, "There is an old saying:

'If you want to have a future,

Don't act heedless of the future.'

You have already transgressed in the Region Above, and yet you have not changed your violent ways but indulge in the taking of life. Don't you know that both crimes will be punished?"

"The future! The future!" said the fiend. "If I listen to you, I might as well feed on the wind! The proverb says,

'If you follow the law of the court, you'll be beaten to death;

If you follow the law of Buddha, you'll be starved to death!'

Let me go! Let me go! I would much prefer catching a few travelers and munching on the plump and juicy lady of the family. Why should I care about two crimes, three crimes, a thousand crimes, or ten thousand crimes?"


余国藩教授文中的两句谚语翻译得非常精彩,逐字逐句,丝丝入扣。“若要有前程,莫做没前程”,译成If you want to have a future, don't act heedless of the future。“依着官法打杀,依着佛法饿杀”,翻译成If you follow the law of the court, you'll be beaten to death; If you follow the law of Buddha, you'll be starved to death。原文和译文连首尾的字都对应上了。

但猪八戒说的“还不如捉个行人,肥腻腻的吃他家娘”这句话,余教授的翻译有些令人不解。I would much prefer catching a few travelers and munching on the plump and juicy lady of the family. 既然是捉了个行人,为啥又去“啃家中那个丰满多汁的女士”呢?比照詹纳尔教授的译文,感觉也是一头雾水。詹纳尔的译文是Clear off! Clear off! If you don't I'll capture this pilgrim and eat this plump and tender old woman。按照这个意思,猪八戒是要把木叉行者抓起来然后吃掉观音菩萨这个“又肥又嫩的老女人(this plump and tender old woman)”。从上下文看,八戒对观音菩萨还是心怀敬畏的,不会与菩萨叫板;观音菩萨的形象大家都很熟悉,绝对不是“plump and tender old woman”!




Forget it! Forget it! I would much prefer catching a traveler and eating him. Damn, it's cool!





"There is a saying," said the Bodhisattva,

"'A man with good intent

Will win Heaven's assent.'

If you are willing to return to the fruits of truth, there will be means to sustain your body. There are five kinds of grain in this world and they all can relieve hunger. Why do you need to pass the time by devouring humans?"

When the fiend heard these words, he was like one who woke from a dream, and he said to the Bodhisattva, "I would very much like to follow the truth. But 'since I have offended Heaven, even my prayers are of little avail.'" "I have received the decree from Buddha to go to the Land of the East to find a scripture pilgrim," said the Bodhisattva. "You can follow him as his disciple and make a trip to the Western Heaven; your merit will cancel out your sins, and you will surely be delivered from your calamities." "I'm willing. I'm willing," promised the fiend with enthusiasm. The Bodhisattva then touched his head and gave him the instructions. Pointing to his body as a sign, she gave him the surname "Zhu" and the religious name "Wuneng."


A man with good intent

Will win Heaven's assent.

最让我感到有趣的是孔夫子的话竟然从八戒的嘴里冒了出来。“获罪于天,无所祷也”,出自《论语·八佾》。卫国大夫王孙贾问孔子:“‘与其媚于奥,宁媚于灶。’何谓也?”子曰:“不然,获罪于天,无所祷也。” “奥”是居室的西南隅,地位尊贵,为家中尊者所居;“灶”指“五祀之神”之一的灶神。王孙贾用这句话提醒孔子,与其讨好尊贵的奥,不如讨好当事的灶,讨好有名无实的卫国国君,还不如结交握有实权的重臣来得实惠。孔夫子断然拒绝了王孙贾的暗示,他说:“不是这样,如果得罪了上天,就没有地方可以祈祷了。”



But 'since I have offended Heaven, even my prayers are of little avail.'


A sinner against Heaven has nowhere to pray to.


That is not so, because if you have offended Heaven, there is no one you can turn to in your prayer.

Soothill所译《论语》(The Analects of Confucius):

He who sins against Heaven has nowhere left for prayer.

中西方文化不同,宗教各异,但有些谚语却是非常相似。《圣经·新约·马太福音》中有这样一句话: ... but the blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. (St. Matthew 12:31) ……惟亵渎圣灵,总不得赦免。意思相近但不相同,表达方式十分接近,翻译时亦可套用。
