

发布时间:2016-09-02 14:50:57  |  来源:中国网  |  作者:  |  责任编辑:李潇

8月31日,中国国务院总理李克强在北京人民大会堂同加拿大总理特鲁多会谈后共同会见记者并回答提问。[新华社 王晔 摄]
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meet journalists after their talks in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 31, 2016. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)
应中华人民共和国国务院总理李克强邀请,加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多于2016年8月30日至9月6日对中国进行首次正式访问。其间,特鲁多总理将访问北京、上海、杭州和香港,并出席二十国集团领导人杭州峰会。At the invitation of His Excellency Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, is paying his first official visit to China from August 30 to September 6, 2016. Over the course of the visit, Prime Minister Trudeau will take the opportunity to visit Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Hong Kong, while also attending the G20 Leaders' Summit.
在北京期间,中国国家主席习近平、全国人大常委会委员长张德江分别与特鲁多总理举行了会见,国务院总理李克强与特鲁多总理举行了会谈。两国领导人回顾了1970年中加建交以来双边关系取得的成就,重申致力于发展两国间强劲、全面的战略关系。During Prime Minister Trudeau's visit to Beijing, His Excellency President Xi Jinping of China and His Excellency Chairman Zhang Dejiang of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress met respectively with Prime Minister Trudeau, and Premier Li Keqiang held talks with Prime Minister Trudeau. Leaders, reflecting on the remarkable progress that has been made since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Canada in 1970, reaffirmed their commitment to develop a robust and comprehensive strategic relationship between the two countries.
双方就中加关系以及共同关心的地区、国际和全球性问题进行了深入、坦诚、富有成果的交流。两国领导人探讨了推进中加关系的途径,包括加强高层对话、扩大各层级交往。双方同意按照相互尊重、平等互利的原则,深化相互了解与信任。双方同意拓展包括法治在内的务实合作与交流,以建设性方式处理分歧和敏感问题。双方同意共同努力开辟中加战略伙伴关系发展新局面。The two sides had an in-depth, sincere and productive exchange of views on China-Canada relations, and regional, international, and global issues of shared interest. Leaders discussed ways to advance China-Canada relations, including the strengthening of the high-level dialogues and expanding exchanges at all levels. The two sides agreed to act based on principles of mutual respect, equality, and shared benefit, and to deepen mutual understanding and trust. The two sides agreed to expand practical cooperation and exchanges, including on rule of law, and to address constructively differences and sensitive issues. Both sides also agreed to make joint efforts to open a new era in the China-Canada strategic partnership.
双方一致认为,加强中加经济关系对于促进经济增长非常重要。为此,双方同意深化两国在能源、清洁技术、农业、基础设施、交通、金融服务以及创新、科技等领域的贸易投资关系,促进共同利益。The two sides agreed on the importance of enhancing economic growth by promoting the China-Canada economic relationship. On this, both sides agreed to deepen their trade and investment relationship in the areas of energy, clean technology, agriculture, infrastructure, transportation, financial services, as well as innovation, science and technology for mutual benefit.
双方认识到人文交往的重要性,同意扩大教育、文化、卫生、旅游和体育领域交往,扩大两国人民间的联系。Recognizing the importance of people-to-people ties, both sides agreed to expand exchanges in education, culture, health, tourism and sports, to promote connections between the two peoples.
双方致力于深化司法执法合作,继续开展两军合作。双方同意在平等和相互尊重的基础上就人权问题保持对话与交流。The two sides committed to deeper judicial and law enforcement cooperation, and continued military-to-military cooperation. Both sides agreed to maintain dialogue and exchanges on human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
双方就即将召开的二十国集团领导人杭州峰会深入交换了意见,探讨如何促进强劲、可持续、平衡和包容性经济增长,推动创新,创造就业,提升全球金融体系韧性,构建开放型世界经济。双方同意共同努力推动本届峰会成为一届成果丰硕、里程碑式的峰会,并将在二十国集团框架内就杭州峰会成果的落实保持密切协调与合作。The two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on the upcoming G20 Hangzhou Summit and considered opportunities to promote strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive economic growth, promote innovation, create jobs, reinforce the resilience of the global financial system, and build the open world economy. Both agreed to work together to make the Summit a productive and milestone event, and will maintain close coordination and cooperation within the G20 framework on the implementation of the outcomes of the Hangzhou Summit.
在全球和地区性问题上,双方同意就为国际社会提供更多公共产品加强协调,包括寻求加强在环保、气候变化、联合国维和以及包容性增长方面的合作。双方同意通过双、多边渠道,共同努力促进亚太地区的和平、稳定与繁荣。On regional and global issues, both sides agreed to strengthen coordination on the provision of public goods to the international community, including seeking to strengthen cooperation on environmental protection and climate change, United Nations peacekeeping and inclusive growth. The two sides agreed to work together to promote peace, stability, and prosperity across the Asia-Pacific region through bilateral and multilateral channels.
双方宣布一系列重要合作进展并签署相关合作协议,具体如下:The two sides announced a series of important developments and signed relevant agreements. These include the following:
一、双方同意两国领导人通过多种形式保持密切对话与交往,并宣布建立两国总理年度对话机制。1. Agreeing to maintain close dialogue and exchanges between leaders of both countries, and announcing the establishment of the annual dialogue between the Premier of China and the Prime Minister of Canada.
二、中方欢迎加方决定申请加入亚洲基础设施投资银行。2. China's welcoming of Canada's decision to apply for membership at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
三、双方决定建立中加高级别国家安全与法治对话机制。3. Establishing the China-Canada High-Level National Security and Rule of Law Dialogue.
四、双方同意通过全面、有效实施具有历史意义的《巴黎协定》来加大两国应对气候变化的力度,并愿同国际伙伴一道加强气候变化全球应对工作。4. Enhancing our efforts to address climate change through the full and effective implementation of the historic Paris Agreement and to work together with international partners to strengthen the global response to climate change.
五、双方宣布两国检疫部门正就中加油菜籽贸易问题积极磋商研究科学措施,以寻求早日妥善解决的办法。在此过渡期内,中加油菜籽贸易可继续按照现行(2016年8月)检疫要求进行。5. Announcing that quarantine authorities on both sides are actively consulting and researching science-based measures related to the canola trade between China and Canada to support an appropriate solution at an early date. During this transitional period, canola trade between China and Canada can continue under current quarantine conditions (August 2016).
六、双方宣布2018年为中加旅游年,同意就促进双向游客往来扩大合作。6. Announcing 2018 as the China-Canada Year of Tourism and agreeing to increase cooperation to boost the two-way flow of tourists.
七、中方同意加方在华增设七个签证申请中心。7. Agreeing that China will authorize Canada to open seven additional visa application centres in China.
八、双方决定在《中加清洁技术合作联合声明》框架下建立联合工作组。8. Establishing a working group under the China-Canada Joint Declaration on Clean Technology.
九、双方签署了《中国国家发展改革委与加拿大公园管理局关于开展国家公园体制建设、保护和管理合作的声明》。9. Signing the Statement of Cooperation between the National Development and Reform Commission of China and the Parks Canada Agency on the Establishment, Conservation, and Management of National Park Systems.
十、加方决定支持第六届中国环境与发展国际合作委员会。10. Announcing Canada's commitment to Phase VI of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development.
十一、双方同意扩大司法合作,欢迎两国相关机构开展法官培训合作,将推动两国法律从业者和学术研究人员之间的交流。11. Expanding judicial cooperation by welcoming the combined efforts of institutions to train judges and pursuing the exchange of legal practitioners and academics.
十二、双方愿推进劳工和就业领域合作,包括实施《产业关系和劳动标准领域的合作框架》以及中加劳动调解员和仲裁员能力建设合作项目。12. Welcoming further cooperation on labour and employment, including the implementation of the Cooperation Framework in the Field of Industrial Relations and Labour Standards as well as the Joint China-Canada Labour Mediator and Arbitrator Capacity Building Project.
十三、双方签署了《中国政府与加拿大政府关于合作拍摄电影的协议》。13. Signing a bilateral Film Coproduction Treaty between the Government of China and the Government of Canada.
十四、双方签署了《中国政府和加拿大政府文化协定2017-2019年度合作计划》。14. Signing the Programme of Cooperation for the Years 2017 to 2019 under the Cultural Agreement between the Government of China and the Government of Canada.
十五、双方同意加强在促进性别平等、全球妇女儿童赋权方面的合作。15. Enhancing collaboration in support of gender equality and the empowerment of women and children globally.
十六、双方同意探讨就支持联合国维和行动加强双边合作,并加强在人道主义救援减灾和军事教育领域的对话与合作。16. Agreeing to explore ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation in support of United Nations peace operations, as well as dialogue and cooperation in the areas of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief and military education.
十七、双方同意就全球发展有关倡议开展合作,包括支持全球抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基金。17. Collaborating on global development initiatives, including supporting the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


Beijing, 1 September 2016