

发布时间: 2016-05-24 10:12:45  |  来源: 中国网  |  作者:  |  责任编辑: 李潇

六、问:巴勒斯坦人民是否可以期待中国在推动解除封锁方面采取进一步措施呢? Question 6: Can the Palestinian people expect China to take further measures on pushing for the lifting of the blockade?
王毅:我们会继续在各种国际和多边场合发出呼吁,要求尽快解除对加沙的封锁,要求国际社会更加关注巴勒斯坦人民的命运,要求越来越多国家支持巴勒斯坦尽快实现建国的夙愿。我们过去是这样做的,今后我们会继续这样做,中国将永远同巴勒斯坦人民站在一起。 Wang Yi: We will continue to call for an early lifting of the blockade in Gaza on various international and multilateral occasions. We will call on the international community to pay greater attention to the sufferings of the Palestinian people and urge more countries to support Palestine in fulfilling its long-held dream of statehood as soon as possible. This is what we have all along been doing and we will continue to do so in future. China will always stand side by side with the Palestinian people.
七、问:俄罗斯和叙利亚政府在阿勒颇发动战争,导致数百万叙利亚人流离失所,您如何看待这个问题? Question 7: The governments of Russia and Syria have launched a war in Aleppo and millions of Syrians are displaced as a result. What's your take on this issue?
王毅:我们始终支持由叙利亚人民自己决定叙利亚的命运,支持通过政治方式解决叙利亚问题。所以中方对主张政治解决叙利亚问题的安理会决议投了赞成票。我们支持叙人所有、叙人主导的进程,相信只要叙利亚各种政治力量、各个党派坐在一起,真正从叙利亚国家和人民的根本和长远利益出发,就一定能够找到解决问题的办法。没有跨不过去的坎,关键是要超越一党一派的得失。而域外力量应为叙利亚人民自主解决问题提供必要支持,发挥建设性作用。 Wang Yi: We have all along supported the Syrian people in determining the future of Syria on their own and we support a political settlement of the issue of Syria. That is why the Chinese side voted for the UN Security Council's resolution calling for a political solution to the Syrian issue. We support a process owned and led by the Syrian people and believe that as long as all the political forces, parties and groups can sit down together and truly bear in mind the fundamental and long-term interests of the nation and people of Syria, a way will be found to solve the issue. No difficulty is insurmountable, so long as the parties are willing to go beyond the selfish interests of their own party or group. External forces should provide necessary support for and play a constructive role in the Syrian people's effort to solve the issue on their own.
我们看到很多国家都在不同程度地介入叙利亚问题。据了解,俄罗斯是应叙利亚政府的正式邀请参与到叙利亚问题的解决进程中,打击叙利亚境内的极端恐怖势力。应该说,在俄罗斯等各方共同努力之下,叙利亚境内的恐怖势力得到了一定遏制,否则就不可能有最近重新启动的叙利亚和谈,也不可能有人道主义救援的相继展开。最近和谈遇到了困难,停火也受到了各种因素挑战,越是在这种情况下,越需要坚定地把和谈推动下去,越需要所有域外国家都能够发挥积极作用。中国的立场是一贯的、明确的,就是坚定不移地走政治解决道路,因为只有政治解决才符合叙利亚人民、叙利亚国家民族的根本利益。 We see that many countries have been involved in the issue to various degrees. To our knowledge, Russia has been officially invited by the Syrian government to join in the process of solving the Syrian issue and to fight the extremist and terrorist forces in Syria. It is fair to say that terrorist forces in Syria have been contained to a certain degree thanks to the joint efforts of Russia and other parties concerned. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to have this new round of peace talks or to conduct any humanitarian assistance. The peace talks are in difficulty recently and the ceasefire has been challenged by various factors. Under such circumstances, it is all the more necessary to stay firm in pushing forward the peace talks and encourage all countries outside this region to play a positive role. China's position has been consistent and clear, namely, it is important to follow the path of political settlement, because only a political solution can serve the fundamental interests of the people and nation of Syria.
问:但是他们打着反恐的旗号犯下了战争的罪行,不是这样吗? Follow-up: But they have committed war crimes under the disguise of fighting terrorists, haven't they?
王毅:我想具体情况当地人民最了解,也最有发言权。其他国家在这个问题的判断上应采取谨慎态度。如果要问中国在这方面采取何种标准,具体来说,关于如何评判一个国家进入另一个国家境内采取军事行动,我们主要有两条标准:第一条,这个行动必须得到当事国的同意,或者受到当事国邀请;第二条,这个行动必须符合国际法和国际关系的基本准则。不管是在叙利亚、伊拉克,还是在也门,还是其他地方发生的军事行动,中方都根据这两条来做出判断。 Wang Yi: I believe the local people know the best what happens there and they have the best say on that. Other countries should be cautious in making any judgment on this matter. On what criteria China adopts in this regard, in specific terms, on how to view a country's entry into the territory of another country for a military operation, we mainly have two criteria: first, the operation must have the prior consent of the country concerned or must be carried out at its invitation; second, the operation must comply with international law and basic norms governing international relations. China follows these two criteria in forming its views on military operations, no matter it is in Syria, Iraq, Yemen or any other places.
八、问:现在伊拉克、叙利亚和也门都有数百万难民,中国在解决世界人道主义危机方面会做出哪些努力? Question 8: With millions of refugees in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, what efforts is China making to help resolve humanitarian crises in the world?
王毅:中国作为一个负责任大国,作为阿拉伯人民的朋友,我们非常同情这些流离失所的难民,在力所能及范围内提供支持。首先,我们在各种国际舞台上呼吁国际社会更加关心和重视,并且采取措施解决难民危机;第二,我们已经提供了多批人道主义援助,这两年已经提供了6.8亿元人民币的紧急人道主义物资援助,不仅在叙利亚,也向其他地区难民直接提供帮助。今年初,习近平主席宣布再提供2.3亿元人民币新的人道主义援助。我们还在不久前伦敦召开的难民国际论坛上宣布提供1万吨粮食援助,解决难民的迫切需求。 Wang Yi: China is a responsible major country and a friend of the Arab people. We care deeply about the refugees and try to help them as much as we can. First of all, we appeal to the world to pay more attention, show more support and take action to resolve the refugee crisis. Secondly, China itself has provided several batches of humanitarian assistance. In the past two years, we have provided 680 million yuan of emergency supplies to help refugees in Syria and elsewhere. Early this year, President Xi Jinping announced a new aid package of 230 million yuan. Not long ago in London, China pledged 10,000 tons of food assistance to meet the urgent need of the refugees.
另一方面,我们认为难民问题的解决应该标本兼治,必须找到产生难民的根源。这样才能从根本上消除难民产生的土壤和条件。我们大家都看得很清楚,中东为什么会出现这么多难民,首先是国家动荡,进入无政府状态,接着是战乱频发,刺激各种极端势力和恐怖主义滋生,然后老百姓遭殃,不得不背井离乡,流离失所。所以解决难民问题必须着力把目前存在的热点问题解决好。这些热点问题解决了,有了一个正常的政府治理,有了一个健全的国家机构,在国际社会帮助下,难民问题才有可能根除。 On the other hand, we think it necessary to address both the symptoms and root causes. We must find the underlying causes of the refugee issue in order to fundamentally remove its breeding ground. People know very well how the refugee issue has come about. You have countries in chaos, governments in disarray, wars and conflicts breaking out, and the rise of extremism and terrorism. People suffer immensely and have no choice but to flee their homes. So, to resolve the refugee crisis, the current hotspot issues must be resolved. Only when normal governance and sound state institutions are in place, will it be possible for the refugee issue to be thoroughly resolved with the help of the international community.
九、问:中国同阿拉伯国家和海湾国家关系很好,中国和伊朗的关系怎样? Question 9: China is on good terms with Arab states and the Gulf States. What does China's relationship with Iran look like?
王毅:我们跟所有国家都愿意建立和发展正常友好交往,阿拉伯国家是我们的好朋友,毫无疑问伊朗同我们之间也有长久的交往。伊朗核问题全面协议的达成应该说解决了一个大问题,解决了国际社会对伊朗可能发展核武计划的担心,这对维护中东地区的和平,维护国际核不扩散机制是有利的。随着全面协议的进一步贯彻和落实,伊朗也可以和其他国家开展正常交往。我们同伊朗的关系从本质上来讲是建立在和平共处五项原则基础上的国与国关系,随着对伊朗制裁的解除,中国同伊朗的交往自然会增多。同时,我们也会鼓励和支持伊朗同邻国改善关系和开展合作,为地区的和平与稳定发挥积极作用,包括为解决目前存在的热点问题贡献伊朗的力量,我们会继续朝着这个方向发挥自己的作用。 Wang Yi: China desires normal and friendly ties with all countries. Arab states are our good friends and, of course, Iran has long-standing ties with us. The comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue is very helpful, as it has addressed international concerns about Iran's possible nuclear program. It is a good deal for peace in the Middle East and for the international non-proliferation regime. With the implementation of the agreement, Iran could have normal interactions with other countries. Between China and Iran, we have state-to-state relations based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. With the lifting of sanctions, there will be more interactions between our two countries. We will encourage and support efforts by Iran to improve relations and work with its neighbors and to be a positive force for regional peace and stability, including contributing to the settlement of various hotspot issues. China will continue to work along this line.
十、问:俄罗斯又开始了同西方的竞争,中国如何看待俄罗斯?是竞争对手还是合作伙伴? Question 10: Russia is again in rivalry with the West. How does China see Russia? Is it a competitor or a partner?
王毅:我们希望所有国家都成为合作伙伴,跟俄罗斯同样如此。因为俄罗斯是中国最大的邻国,双方有着漫长的边界线。你可能知道,过去的中苏关系起起伏伏,并不是很顺畅,一度还严重对立,甚至发生过局部冲突。后来中俄双方吸取了过去的经验教训,把两国关系建立在更加正常和友好的基础之上,这个基础就是不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方。这些年来,中国同俄罗斯之间的各方面合作持续发展。我们是邻国,有很多相互需求。在经济发展上,双方优势互补,能够不断深化互利合作。在国际和地区事务中,中国希望能够在推进世界多极化和国际关系民主化,以及维护好发展中国家正当利益等方面,同俄罗斯开展协调,加强沟通,在国际舞台上主持公道,共同发挥好两国的积极作用。 Wang Yi: We hope that all countries are our partners. This is certainly the case with Russia, because it is China's largest neighbor and we share a long border. As you may know, historically, relationship between China and the Soviet Union went through ups and downs. There were tensions, confrontations and even local conflicts. Later, the two sides learned lessons and built a more normal, friendly relationship on the basis of the fact that the relationship is not an alliance, nor is it confrontational or targeted at any third party. In recent years, China and Russia have worked closely together in various fields, and we do need each other as neighbors. For instance, we combine each other's strength economically, and work hard to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides. When it comes to international and regional affairs, China hopes to achieve a multi-polar world and democracy in international relations. We are talking frequently and working in concert with Russia to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries and jointly playing an active role in upholding justice in the international arena.
十一、问:在第二次世界大战之后,英法从中东地区撤出,美国填补了他们留下的真空,现在美国正在逐步撤离中东,中国是否在政治上军事上做好了准备来填补美国在中东留下的真空呢? Question 11: After WWII, Britain and France pulled out of the Middle East, leaving a vacuum which was filled by the United States. Now, the United States is reducing its presence. Is China ready, politically and militarily, to fill the vacuum in the Middle East?
王毅:“填补真空”这个描述,对中东国家掌握自己命运的自主权利有些不尊重。我认为中东地区从来不存在真空,中东是中东人民的家园,中东各国人民有权利、也有能力把家园维护建设好。其他国家要帮忙可以,但是并不存在所谓的真空让他们去填补。我们首先还是要相信中东人民能够把命运掌握在自己手里,能够团结起来共同建设好、发展好中东地区。这既是中国的期待,也应该是中东各国人民共同的努力方向。 Wang Yi: The expression "to fill the vacuum" does not show enough respect for the right of the Middle East to decide its own future. I don't think there is a "vacuum" there. People in the Middle East have the right and ability to make their own home a better place. It's fine if other countries want to help, but, just to be clear, there is no vacuum to fill. Above anything else, we must believe that people in the Middle East are able to master their own destiny and come together to build a better region. This is what China wants to see and all peoples in the Middle East should work for.
问:刚才部长阁下关于“真空”这个问题的答案我非常欣赏,您的答案传递了这样一个信息,中国是尊重阿拉伯人民的主权与独立的,阿拉伯国家的领导人应该清楚,阿拉伯地区和中东地区是没有真空的,他们应该自己主宰自己的未来。 Follow-up: Minister, I appreciate your answer about "vacuum". What you said sends a message that China respects the sovereignty and independence of the Arab people. The Arab leaders should be clear that there is no vacuum in the Arab states and the Middle East, and they should decide their own future.
王毅:我完全支持你的观点。 Wang Yi: I agree entirely.
十二、问:二十世纪是美国的世纪,二十一世纪是否能够成为中国的世纪呢? Question 12: The 20th century was the American century. Can we expect the 21st century to be the Chinese century?
王毅:把一个世纪说成是某个国家的世纪这种说法,我们中国不太愿意使用。因为我们始终认为,各国的事情应由本国人民来决定,世界上的事情应由各国共同商量解决,不应该由某一个国家主宰或垄断。从这个意义上来讲,中国从一开始就支持以联合国为核心的当代国际体系。联合国是当今世界最有权威性、最具普遍性的政府间国际组织,在各国人民的共同支持下,制订了《联合国宪章》。我们认为,现在世界上发生的很多问题:动荡、混乱、甚至是战争,实际上都是同没有真正履行好《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则有关系。因为《联合国宪章》最核心的内容就是尊重国家主权,不干涉内政,和平解决争端,加强国际合作。如果世界各国,不管大国还是小国,不管强国还是弱国,都能够切实恪守《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则,这个世界一定会更加和平,更加安宁,各国也一定会得到共同的发展,这是我们追求的目标,也是我们的外交哲学。 Wang Yi: It's not China's preference to describe any century as one belonging to a certain country. We believe that affairs of a country should be handled by its own people, and likewise the affairs of the world should be handled through discussion by all countries, instead of being dominated or monopolized by any single country. In this sense, China has all along supported the current international system with the United Nations at its core. The UN is the most authoritative inter-governmental organization with the broadest representation, whose Charter is endorsed by people across the world. In fact, many problems in our world, turbulence, chaos and wars, all result from the failure to fully implement the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, the very essence of which is respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs, peaceful settlement of disputes and international cooperation. If all countries, big and small, strong and weak, abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, the world will be more peaceful and stable, and countries will prosper together. That is the goal and philosophy of China's diplomacy.

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