

发布时间:2016-04-15 16:14:07  |  来源:中国网  |  作者:  |  责任编辑:李潇

国务院新闻办公室14日发表《2015年美国的人权纪录》,回应美国政府发布的“国别人权报告”。全文如下:The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China published a report titled "Human Rights Record of the United States in 2015" on Thursday. Following is the full text of the report:
Human Rights Record of the United States in 2015
State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
April 2016
目 录Contents
一、公民权利遭到肆意侵犯I. Wanton Infringement on Civil Rights
二、政治权利无法得到应有保障II. Political Rights Not Safeguarded
三、经济和社会权利难以有效实现III. Economic and Social Rights under Challenge
四、种族歧视变本加厉IV. Racial Discrimination Worse Than Ever
五、妇女和儿童权利堪忧V. Missing Rights for Women and Children
六、粗暴侵犯他国人权VI. Gross Violations of Human Rights in Other Countries
美国国务院于当地时间4月13日发布《2015年国别人权报告》,再一次对世界各国人权状况妄加置评,而对自身存在的严重人权问题却三缄其口,毫无反思之意。2015年的美国人权,不仅旧的问题未得到解决,而且新的问题不断滋生。既然美国政府不肯拿起镜子照照自己,那么也只好由别人来帮助完成了。On April 13 local time, the State Department of the United States released its country reports on human rights practices. It made comments on the human rights situation in many countries once again while being tight-lipped about its own terrible human rights record and showing not a bit of intention to reflect on it. In 2015, the United States saw no improvement in its existent human rights issues, but reported numerous new problems. Since the U.S. government refuses to hold up a mirror to look at itself, it has to be done with other people's help.
关于2015年美国的人权纪录,以下事实是凿凿在册的。The following facts about the U.S. human rights situation in 2015 are supported by irrefutable records.
——美国枪支管理失控,公民生命权受到严重威胁。枪击案件频发,是2015年美国留给世人最深刻的印象。截至2015年12月28日,当年共发生枪击事件51675起,造成13136人死亡、26493人受伤。-- The use of guns was out of control in the United States, which severely threatened citizens' right of life. The frequent occurrence of shooting incidents was the deepest impression left to the world concerning the United States in 2015. There were a total of 51,675 gun violence incidents in the United States in 2015 as of December 28, leaving 13,136 killed and 26,493 injured.
——美国警察暴力执法,公民人身安全无法保障。截至2015年12月24日,警察当年共射杀965人,警方滥用权力的行为并未得到应有的追究。巴尔的摩暴发了“为弗雷迪伸张正义”的抗议活动,芝加哥市民为麦克唐纳之死举行了大规模游行,明尼阿波利斯市的民众因贾马尔·克拉克被警察枪杀而包围警察局。-- Citizens' personal security could not be guaranteed with the excessive use of violence by police. Police shot dead 965 people last year as of December 24, and the abuse of power by the police did not result in discipline. "Justice for Freddie" protests were staged in Baltimore, demonstrators in Chicago took to the street to demand justice in the death of Laquan MacDonald, and protesters in Minneapolis camped outside a police precinct after Jamar Clark was shot dead by police.
——美国监狱系统腐败丛生,严重侵犯囚犯人权。佛罗里达州一所监狱的狱警将患有精神疾患的囚犯达伦·莱尼在淋浴间活活烫死。美国最大的女子监狱罗维尔监狱的狱警逼迫数百名女囚卖淫以换取基本的生活物资和保护,在过去十年间已有57名囚犯死在了该监狱。-- The prison system in the United States was plagued by corruption and severely violated inmates' human rights. The guards in a prison in Florida scalded a mentally-ill inmate Darren Rainey to death in hot shower. The guards in Lowell Correctional Institution, the nation's largest women's prison, pressured hundreds of female inmates to barter sex for basic necessities and a shield from abuse, and 57 inmates have died in this prison over the past 10 years.
——美国金钱政治和家族政治大行其道,公民政治权利难以得到有效保障。企业和个人可以向超级政治行动委员会无限额捐款以影响美国大选,企业通过金钱影响政治并获取巨额回报。有评论认为,美国的政治体系已被颠覆为向主要政治捐助者提供回报的工具。家族出身成为美国政治中的主导因素,少数家族和幕后利益集团用资金影响选举。美国党派之争绑架民意,因为选举利益导致民主党与共和党无法协调制定真正符合民意的政策。-- Money politics and clan politics were prevailing and the political rights of the citizens were not safeguarded effectively. Companies and individuals were able to donate an unlimited size to super Political Action Committees (super PACs) to influence the presidential election. In this way, corporations could use money to sway politics and reap tremendous returns. There were comments that the political system of the United States had been subverted to be a tool that provided returns to major political donors. Family pedigree had become a primary factor for U.S. politics, with a few families and behind-the-scenes interest groups influencing the election using funds. The popular will was abducted by factionalism in the United States, because the interests involved in election made it unable for the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to coordinate on and work out policies that were in line with the popular will.
——美国社会问题严重,保障公民经济和社会权利困难重重。2014年有4670万人处于贫困状态。每年至少有4810万人缺乏食物保障。2015年有超过56万人无家可归。79%的美国人相信更多人会掉出而不是上升到中产阶级行列。如今,美国仍有3300万人没有医疗保险,4400万受雇于私人部门的劳动者无法享受带薪病假的权利,占私人部门劳动者总数的40%。-- The lingering problems in U.S. society posed challenges for the country to fulfill its duty of safeguarding the economic and social rights of U.S. citizens. In 2014, there were 46.7 million people in poverty in the United States. Every year, at least 48.1 million people were classed as "food insecure." In 2015, more than 560,000 people nationwide were homeless. Seventy-nine percent of Americans believed it was more common for people to fall out of the middle class than rise up to it. There were still 33 million people in the United States with no healthcare insurance, and 44 million private-sector workers, about 40 percent of the total, did not have access to paid sick leaves.
——美国种族矛盾尖锐,种族关系处于近20年来最差时期。61%的美国人认为美国的种族关系糟糕。执法司法领域是种族歧视的重灾区。88%的非洲裔美国人相信自己受到警察不公正对待,68%的非洲裔美国人认为刑事司法体系存在种族歧视。非洲裔美国人拥有的财富仅为白人的十二分之一,拉美裔为十一分之一。有评论认为,对于许多非洲裔和拉美裔美国家庭而言,美国梦仍然遥不可及。-- Racial conflict was severe in the United States, with race relations at their worst in nearly two decades. Sixty-one percent of Americans characterized race relations in the United States as "bad." Law enforcement and justice fields were heavily affected by racial discrimination, with 88 percent of African-Americans believing they were treated unfairly by police, and 68 percent of African-Americans believing the American criminal justice system was racially biased. Whites had 12 times the wealth of blacks and nearly 10 times more than Hispanics. It was said that the American Dream remained out of reach for many African-American and Hispanic families.
——美国妇女状况不断恶化,儿童成长环境堪忧。全职女性与全职男性2014年的年薪收入比为79∶100。过去十年内贫困妇女比例从12.1%上升至14.5%。国际劳工组织指出,美国是唯一没有立法明确规定妇女带薪产假的工业化国家。23%的大学本科女生遭受性骚扰或性侵犯。2015年每个月至少发生两起校园枪击案,几乎每周都有两个孩子遭受意外枪击死亡,在美国15岁以上因伤死亡的青少年中有四分之一死于枪击事件。约1740万由单亲妈妈抚养的儿童中45%生活在贫困线以下。约五分之一的儿童生活在食品保障不足的家庭。-- The situation for American women was deteriorating and children were living in worrisome environment. In 2014, women in the United States were paid 79 cents for every dollar paid to men. The percentage of women in poverty increased from 12.1 percent to 14.5 percent over the past decade. The United Nations' International Labor Organization said that the United States was the only industrialized nation with no overall law for cash benefits provided to women during maternity leave. A total of 23 percent of undergraduate women said they were victims of non-consensual sexual contact. There were at least two school shootings a month in 2015 and almost two children were killed every week in unintentional shootings. About a quarter of the teenagers above 15 years old who died of injuries in the United States were killed in gun-related incidents. About 17.4 million children under the age of 18 were being raised without a father and 45 percent lived below the poverty line. About one fifth of all U.S. children lived in food-insecure households.
——美国仍在公然粗暴侵犯他国人权,视他国生命如草芥。美国在伊拉克和叙利亚的空袭行动炸死数千平民。美国在巴基斯坦和也门肆意开展无人机袭击,造成数百平民死亡。美军2015年10月3日对阿富汗昆都士“无国界医生”组织医院野蛮空袭,42人惨遭杀害。美国政府无视国际社会的强烈谴责,仍未关闭建立14年之久的关塔那摩监狱,至今仍有近100人在被任意拘留多年且未经审判的情况下继续被羁押。-- The United States still brazenly and brutally violated human rights in other countries, treating citizens from other countries like dirt. Air strikes launched by the United States in Iraq and Syria killed thousands of civilians. The United States also conducted drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen indiscriminately, causing hundreds of civilian deaths. On October 3, 2015, the U.S. military bombed a hospital operated by "Doctors Without Borders" in the city of Kunduz in Afghanistan, in which 42 people were killed. Defying international condemnation, the United States still did not close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, which had been running for 14 years and still locked up nearly 100 people who had been under arbitrary detention for years without trial.

一、公民权利遭到肆意侵犯I. Wanton Infringement on Civil Rights
2015年,美国枪支犯罪猖獗,警察滥用暴力,监狱腐败严重,秘密监控个人信息频现,公民权利遭到肆意侵犯。Civil rights were wantonly infringed upon in the United States in 2015 with rampant gun-related crimes, excessive use of force by police, severe corruption in prisons and frequent occurrence of illegal eavesdropping on personal information.
暴力犯罪威胁公民生命和财产安全。据美国联邦调查局2015年发布的《美国犯罪报告》,2014年美国共发生暴力犯罪1165383起,平均每十万居民中发生365.5起,其中谋杀案件14249起,强奸案件84041起,抢劫案件325802起,严重暴力伤害案件741291起;共发生财产犯罪案件8277829起,平均每十万居民中发生2596.1起,被害人因财产犯罪遭受的损失超过143亿美元。(注1)英国《经济学人》网站2015年12月1日刊文分析,美国一些城市的犯罪率大幅攀升,巴尔的摩和圣路易斯2015年上半年的谋杀率分别比去年同期增长了48%和59%。(注2)美国国家帮派研究中心的詹姆斯·豪威尔指出,美国过去5年帮派数量增长8%,帮派成员数量增长11%,与帮派相关的谋杀案增加23%。(注3)Citizen's life and property security were threatened by violent crimes. According to the report "Crime in the United States" released by the FBI in 2015, an estimated 1,165,383 violent crimes occurred nationwide in 2014, of which 14,249 were murders, 84,041 were rapes, 325,802 robberies and 741,291 aggravated assaults. Nationwide, there were an estimated 8,277,829 property crimes, with the victims of such crimes suffering losses calculated at an estimated 14.3 billion U.S. dollars. The statistics showed the estimated rate of violent crime was 365.5 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, and the property crime rate was 2,596.1 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants (www.fbi.gov). Many cities in the United States saw large jumps in crime during the first half of 2015: the murder rate rose 48 percent and 59 percent compared to the same period of the previous year in Baltimore and St. Louis, respectively, said an article carried by the Economist website on December 1, 2015 (www.economist.com, December 1, 2015). James Howell of the U.S. National Gang Center pointed out that in the past five years the United States had seen an 8 percent increase in the number of gangs, an 11 percent increase in members and a 23 percent increase in gang-related homicides (www.usnews.com, March 6, 2015).
枪支泛滥造成公民生命权无法得到保障。统计显示,美国有3亿多人口,私人枪支保有量逾3亿支。过去10年里,超过400万美国人成为袭击、抢劫和其他涉枪犯罪的受害者。据美国枪支暴力档案室发布的《2015年枪支暴力伤亡统计》,截至2015年12月28日,美国当年共发生枪击事件51675起,其中大规模枪击事件329起;共造成13136人死亡、26493人受伤。(注4)美国联邦调查局2015年发布的《美国犯罪报告》显示,2014年美国发生的谋杀案件中有67.9%使用枪支,抢劫案件中有40.3%使用枪支,严重暴力袭击案中有22.5%使用枪支。(注5)Citizen's right of life could not be guaranteed with the rampant use of guns. Statistics showed that there were more than 300 million guns in the United States which had a population of more than 300 million. Over the past decade, more than 4 million U.S. citizens became victims of assaults, robberies and other gun-related crimes. According to a toll report by the Gun Violence Archive, there were a total of 51,675 gun violence incidents in the United States last year as of December 28, including 329 mass shootings. Altogether 13,136 were killed and 26,493 injured (www.gunviolencearchive.org, December 28, 2015). According to the report "Crime in the United States" released by the FBI in 2015, firearms were used in 67.9 percent of the nation's murders, 40.3 percent of robberies, and 22.5 percent of aggravated assaults in 2014 (www.fbi.gov).
警察暴力执法严重侵犯人权。美国警方在执法过程中过度使用暴力,造成大量普通公民伤亡。据《华盛顿邮报》网站统计,截至2015年12月24日,警察当年共射杀965人。(注6)巴尔的摩25岁非洲裔男子弗雷迪·格雷因警察暴力致死,引发了“为弗雷迪伸张正义”的抗议活动。(注7)射杀17岁非洲裔男孩麦克唐纳的芝加哥警察,迟迟未被起诉,公众为此举行抗议游行。该警察之前曾遭20项投诉,未受到任何追究。(注8)美国全国广播公司2015年11月19日报道,明尼阿波利斯市24岁的非洲裔男子贾马尔·克拉克在已被警方控制的情况下被击毙,民众包围警察局抗议示威,引发暴力冲突。(注9)Excessive use of violence by police gravely violated human rights. Excessive use of violence by police during law enforcement had resulted in a large number of civilian casualties. Police shot dead 965 people last year as of December 24, according to data posted on The Washington Post website (www.washingtonpost.com, December 24, 2015). Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old African-American man, died while in police custody in Baltimore. His death, reportedly a result of violence by the police, sparked "Justice for Freddie" protests (www.usatoday.com, December 22, 2015). Outraged that it took too long to charge a Chicago police officer in African-American Laquan MacDonald's shooting death, demonstrators took to the street to demand justice in his death. The police officer had a history of 20 complaints before he gunned down the 17-year-old, but none resulted in discipline (edition.cnn.com, November 26, 2015). According to a report by the NBC News on November 19, 2015, protestors camped outside a police precinct in Minneapolis after African-American Jamar Clark, 24, was shot dead when he was already under police control. The demonstrations turned violent later (www.nbc.com, November 19, 2015).
政府秘密监控公民个人信息侵犯公民隐私。据《华盛顿邮报》网站2015年12月1日报道,美国联邦调查局利用其特权强迫互联网公司未经法庭批准向其提供用户信息,包括全部的网络浏览记录。(注10)皮尤研究中心2015年5月29日发布的报告显示,大多数美国人反对政府大规模收集公民信息,有三分之二的人认为政府在收集信息方面没有足够的限制,61%的人越来越怀疑政府相关计划的目的,54%的人反对政府将收集电话和互联网信息作为反恐的手段,74%的人不同意为了安全的目的放弃隐私权和自由,93%的人认为应对收集信息的人加以管控,90%的人认为应对收集何种私人信息的种类加强管控。(注11)The government infringed on citizens' privacy by illegally eavesdropping personal information. According to a report carried by the website of The Washington Post on December 1, 2015, the FBI used special authority to compel Internet firms to hand over user information, including full browsing histories, without court approvals (www.washingtonpost.com, December 1, 2015). According to a report released by the Pew Research Center on May 29, 2015, a majority of Americans opposed the government collecting bulk data on its citizens, two-thirds believed there weren't adequate limits on what types of data could be collected, 61 percent said they had become less confident that the programs were serving the public interests, 54 percent of Americans disapproved of the U.S. government's collection of telephone and Internet data as part of anti-terrorism efforts, and 74 percent said they should not give up privacy and freedom for the sake of safety. Most said it was important to control who could get their information (93 percent), as well as what information about them was collected (90 percent) (www.pewresearch.org, May 29, 2015).
狱警肆意践踏囚犯人权。据《迈阿密先驱报》网站2015年12月连续报道,美国最大的女子监狱罗维尔监狱充斥着腐败、酷刑和性虐待,狱警将数百名女囚视为妓女,逼迫她们卖淫以换取基本的生活物资、保护或奖励。在过去十年间已有57名囚犯死在了该监狱,该数字尚未包括被送往医院的囚犯。(注12)《华盛顿邮报》网站2015年5月13日报道,费尔法克斯郡一所监狱的狱警用电击枪将女性精神病患者娜塔莎·麦肯娜杀害。(注13)福克斯新闻网网站2015年4月9日报道,佛罗里达州一所监狱的狱警被控虐待和杀害囚犯,其中患有精神疾患的囚犯达伦·莱尼被强迫淋浴长达两个小时,水温高达华氏180度。他虽大声求饶呼救,却无人理睬,最后竟被活活烫死。(注14)Prison guards wantonly trampled on prisoners' human rights. According to a serial report on the website of the Miami Herald in December 2015, Lowell Correctional Institution, the nation's largest women's prison, was haunted by corruption, torment and sex abuse. The guards took hundreds of female inmates as whores and pressured them to barter sex for basic necessities, a shield from abuse or awards. In the past 10 years 57 inmates died in the prison, not accounting those who make it to hospital (www.miamiherald.com, December 12, 13 and 16, 2015). The Washington Post reported on its website on May 13, 2015 that a guard in the Fairfax County jail killed a mentally ill woman, Natasha McKenna, with a Taser stun gun (www.washingtonpost.com, May 13, 2015). The Fox News reported on its website on April 9, 2015 that guards in a prison in Florida was accused of abusing and even killing inmates. In one case, a mentally-ill inmate Darren Rainey was forced to take a shower for two hours with the water reportedly rigged to a scalding 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Despite his calls for help, no one came. He reportedly died after his skin was partially burned off his body (www.foxnews.com, April 9, 2015).

(注1) 美国联邦调查局报告,见www.fbi.gov。

(注2) 英国《经济学人》网站(www.economist.com),2015年12月1日。

(注3) 《美国新闻与世界报道》网站(www.usnews.com),2015年3月6日。

(注4) 美国枪支暴力档案室网站(www.gunviolencearchive.org),2015年12月28日。

(注5) 美国联邦调查局报告,见www.fbi.gov。

(注6) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年12月24日。

(注7) 今日美国网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年12月22日。

(注8) 美国有线电视新闻网网站(edition.cnn.com),2015年11月26日。

(注9) 美国全国广播公司网站(www.nbc.com),2015年11月19日。

(注10) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年12月1日。

(注11) 皮尤中心网站(www.pewresearch.org),2015年5月29日。

(注12) 《迈阿密先驱报》网站(www.miamiherald.com),2015年12月12日、13日、16日。

(注13) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年5月13日。

(注14) 福克斯新闻网网站(www.foxnews.com),2015年4月9日。

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二、政治权利无法得到应有保障II. Political Rights Not Safeguarded
2015年,美国金钱政治和家族政治变本加厉,选民的真实意愿难以有效表达,政治生活中存在事实上的信仰歧视,公民知情权受到进一步压制。对此,美国前总统吉米·卡特发出“美国已经不再是民主国家了”的感慨。(注15)In 2015, money politics and clan politics went from bad to worse in the nation where voters found it hard to express their real volition and there was discrimination against belief in political life. In addition, citizens' right to information was further suppressed. Unsurprisingly, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said that "the U.S. is no longer a democracy" (www.huffingtonpost.com, August 3, 2015).
金钱政治暴露民主虚伪性。美国法律对个人向总统候选人捐款数额作了限制,但对个人和企业向超级政治行动委员会捐款没有限制。《今日美国》2015年4月10日报道,至少有11个总统候选人联盟成立了超级政治行动委员会,借以筹集无限额捐款支持竞选。(注16)总统候选人和超级政治行动委员会仅用半年时间,就筹集到3.8亿美元,其中60多笔100万美元以上的捐款占三分之一,一半捐款来自出资10万美元以上的捐款人,67位出资最多的捐款人捐款总额是50.8万名最小额捐助者的3倍还多。(注17)据美国财经博客网披露,2007至2012年,在政治方面最为活跃的200家企业共耗费58亿美元用于联邦游说和竞选捐款,而它们则从联邦政府项目和支持中获得4.4万亿美元的回报,占美国个人纳税者向联邦政府所缴税款的三分之二。这意味着,企业为影响美国政治的花费可以获取760倍的回报。(注18)美国前总统吉米·卡特就此指出,无限额的政治贿赂成为提名总统候选人或当选总统的主要影响因素,“美国的政治体系已被颠覆为向主要政治捐助者提供回报的工具”。(注19)美国总统2016年国情咨文也承认金钱对政治的影响很大,称“少数家族和幕后利益集团利用资金影响选举”。Money politics revealed the hypocrisy in democracy. Although the laws of the United States put a lid on the size of individual donations to presidential candidates, there is no limit for such contributions to super PACs by individuals and corporations. The USA Today reported on April 10, 2015 that the allies of at least 11 White House hopefuls had launched committees to raise unlimited money to back their campaigns (www.usatoday.com, April 10, 2015). The presidential candidates and the super PACs raised about 380 million U.S. dollars in only half a year. More than 60 donations were worth more than 1 million U.S. dollars each, accounting for about one third of the total contributions. Half of the amount came from those who donated more than 100,000 U.S. dollars and the combined fund of the top 67 donors was more than three times that of 508,000 donors with least contributions (www.aol.com, August 1; www.politico.com, August 1). According to a report of the Zerohedge, between 2007 and 2012, 200 of America's most politically active corporations spent a combined 5.8 billion U.S. dollars on federal lobbying and campaign contributions. What they gave paled compared to what those same corporations got: 4.4 trillion U.S. dollars in federal business and support. Put that in context, the sum represented two thirds of what individual taxpayers paid into the federal treasury. For every dollar spent on influencing politics, the nation's most politically active corporations received 760 U.S. dollars from the government (www.zerohedge.com, March 16, 2015). Jimmy Carter said that with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president, the U.S. political system was subverted to be a payoff to major contributors (www.huffingtonpost.com, August 3, 2015). The role money played in politics was also indicated in the U.S. President's State of the Union Address for 2016, which said a handful of families and hidden interests were exercising influence on elections via their funds.
家族政治左右美国选举。在参加2016年美国总统选举的候选人中,有多名参选人家族政治背景明显。《纽约时报》通过大数据分析得出结论,“父辈优势”在政治领域明显。美国总统的儿子成为总统的几率比同龄人高140万倍,州长的儿子成为州长的概率比普通美国人高6000倍,参议员子承父业的机会比普通美国男性高出8500倍。(注20)据《华盛顿邮报》2015年1月16日报道,自从共和党建立以来,其8.7%的国会议员与前国会议员是近亲。该报道还指出,美国总统竞选充满贵族继承制的气息:有可能入围候选人名单的是州长和总统候选人的儿子,国会议员和总统候选人的儿子,总统的妻子和总统的兄弟,总统的儿子和参议员的孙子。(注21)Clan politics was driving U.S. government elections. Among the candidates for the 2016 presidential election, more than one candidate was obviously related to clan politics. The New York Times concluded through big data analysis that advantages from father generation played a role in politics obviously. The chance for the son of a U.S. president to become president was 1.4 million times higher than his peers. Meanwhile the chance for a governor's son to be elected governor was 6,000 times higher than ordinary people. In addition, the chance for the son of a senator to be a senator like his father was also 8,500 times higher than ordinary U.S. men (www.nytimes.com, March 22, 2015). The Washington Post reported on January 16, 2015 that since the beginning of the Republic, 8.7 percent of its members of Congress were closely related to someone who had served in the body. The report continued to point out that a smell of heirship could be detected in the U.S. presidential election since the possible slate of candidates would include the son of a governor and presidential candidate, the son of a congressman and presidential candidate, the wife of a president and the brother of a president, son of a president and grandson of a senator (www.washingtonpost.com, January 16, 2015).
信仰歧视使政治生活失去公平。在美国,不信仰上帝可能成为公职竞选中的最大限制。不信仰基督教的人想赢得竞选是非常困难的,而不信仰任何宗教的人想赢得竞选则更加困难。据《华盛顿邮报》网站2015年9月22日报道,皮尤中心2014年5月的一次调查显示,无神论被视为潜在总统候选人不合格的最重要因素,超过一半的人表示他们不太可能将选票投给一个不信仰上帝的人。同年7月的另一次调查显示,在所有与宗教相关的群体中,无神论者和穆斯林被美国人予以最负面的评价。(注22)Discrimination against beliefs led to unfairness in political life. Not believing in God could be the biggest disadvantage while running for a post in public office. It was difficult for those who were not Christians to win elections and for those who did not have a religious belief, the chance to win elections was slimmer. In a May 2014 Pew Research survey, atheism was the most disqualifying factor for a potential presidential candidate, according to a report posted on the website of The Washington Post on September 22, 2015. More than half of those surveyed said they would be less likely to vote for someone who did not believe in God. And another Pew poll in July 2014 found that of all religion-related groups, atheists and Muslims were viewed the most negatively by Americans (www.washingtonpost.com, September 22, 2015).
公民选举权受到进一步限制。据《美国新闻与世界报道》网站2015年8月4日披露,2010年以来,已经有21个州通过了新的法律来限制投票权的行使,一些州缩短了提前投票时间,其他的州则限制了证明合法选民身份的有效文件的数量。有14个州将在2016年的总统大选中首次实施限制投票权行使的新措施。公民选举权成为两党恶性竞争的牺牲品,有民主党参选人指责共和党参选人“系统和故意地”阻止数以万计的美国人投票,以达到其竞选获胜的目的。(注23)《今日美国》网站2015年3月20日报道,美国2014年中期选举的投票率为20世纪40年代以来的最低。全国的平均投票率为37%,最低为印第安纳州,只有28.8%。(注24)Citizens' electoral rights were further limited. According to an article on the website of the U.S. News and World Report on August 4, 2015, since 2010, a total of 21 states had adopted new laws to limit the exercise of suffrage. Some states shortened the time for early voting, while others limited the number of documents identifying one as a lawful voter. A total of 14 states will carry out fresh measures to limit the exercise of suffrage for the first time in 2016 presidential election. The voting rights were hit by the vicious competition between the two parties. One Democratic candidate accused GOP presidential candidates of having "systematically and deliberately" tried to keep millions of Americans from voting so as to win the election (www.usnews.com, August 4, 2015). A USA Today report, which was published on its website on March 20, 2015, said the nation had its lowest midterm-election voter turnout in 2014 since the early 1940s. The average turnout across the United States was 37 percent, with a low of 28.8 percent recorded in Indiana (http://www.usatoday.com, March 20, 2015).
选民真实意愿难以得到有效表达。据《基督教科学箴言报》网站2015年12月13日分析,两党制迫使美国选民两极分化,大多数选民并非真正支持所选择的政党,而是出于对另一政党的担心和恐惧作出无奈选择。(注25)美国总统在2016年国情咨文中承认,现有划分国会选区做法的结果是“政客选择选民,而不是选民选择政客”,“党派间的积怨和猜疑未见减弱,反而变得更深”。It was difficult for voters to express their real will. The Christian Science Monitor carried a report on its website on December 13, 2015 that the two-party system forced the voters to take side. Most voters cast ballots for a party not because they supported the party but out of fear and worry over the other one (www.csmonitor.com, December 13, 2015). It was said in the U.S. President's State of the Union Address for 2016 that the practice of drawing congressional districts led to the situation where "politicians can pick their voters, and not the other way around." It went on to say that "the rancor and suspicion between parties has gotten worse instead of better."
公民知情权遭受政府打压。据美联社2015年3月13日报道,美国政府正在削弱有关保障公民获得信息权利的法律,公民获取政府信息的系统遭受严重破坏,公民借助公共档案向政府官员问责愈加困难。(注26)美国有线电视新闻网2015年2月13日报道,记者和新闻监管机构一直抨击本届美国政府为最不透明的政府之一。因对弗格森案的抗议,至少有15名新闻记者被捕。(注27)Citizens' right to information was hampered by the government. According to a report by the Associated Press on March 13, 2015, authorities were undermining the laws that were supposed to guarantee citizens' right to information and the systems created to give citizens information about their government. In addition, it was getting harder to use public records to hold government officials accountable (www.ap.org, March 13, 2015). An article on the website of the CNN reported on February 13, 2015 that journalists and news supervision authorities had continually slammed the current U.S. administration as one of the least transparent. At least 15 journalists were arrested in Ferguson protests (edition.cnn.com, February 13, 2015).

(注15) 《赫芬顿邮报》网站(www.huffingtonpost.com),2015年8月3日。

(注16) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年4月10日。

(注17) 美国在线网站(www.aol.com),2015年8月1日;politico网站(www.politico.com),2015年8月1日。

(注18) 美国财经博客网(www.zerohedge.com),2015年3月16日。

(注19) 《赫芬顿邮报》网站(www.huffingtonpost.com),2015年8月3日。

(注20) 《纽约时报》网站(www.nytimes.com),2015年3月22日。

(注21) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年1月16日。

(注22) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年9月22日。

(注23) 《美国新闻与世界报道》网站(www.usnews.com),2015年8月4日。

(注24) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年3月20日。

(注25) 《基督教科学箴言报》网站(www.csmonitor.com),2015年12月13日。

(注26) 美联社网站(www.ap.org),2015年3月13日。

(注27) 美国有线电视新闻网网站(edition.cnn.com),2015年2月13日。

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三、经济和社会权利难以有效实现III. Economic and Social Rights under Challenge
2015年,美国在经济和社会权利保障方面缺乏实质性进步,工人为维护工作权利举行大规模罢工,食物无保障者和无家可归者数量庞大,公众健康状况堪忧。In 2015, no substantial progress concerning the economic and social rights of U.S. citizens were made. Workers carried out mass strikes to claim their rights at work. Food-insecure and homeless populations remained huge. Many U.S. people suffered from poor health.
劳动者的工作权利未能得到有效保障。据半岛电视台美国频道网站2015年10月6日报道,美国4400万受雇于私人部门的劳动者无法享受带薪病假的权利,占私人部门劳动者总数的40%。很多行业出现了大规模的罢工。2015年2月,加利福尼亚、得克萨斯、肯塔基和华盛顿州9个炼油厂的工人举行罢工,抗议繁重的加班、不稳定的岗位和危险的工作环境。(注28)2015年4月,230个城市的快餐店职员罢工,以争取15美元的最低工资;11月,数百个城市的快餐店职员为此再次罢工并示威游行,全美7个主要机场的2000多名工作人员也进行了罢工以抗议过低的工资水平。(注29)The rights of laborers at work were not effectively protected. On October 6, 2015, Al Jazeera America reported that about 40 percent of private-sector workers, or 44 million people in America, did not have access to paid sick leave. Large scale strikes in many industries were reported. In February 2015, workers at nine oil refineries in California, Texas, Kentucky and Washington states carried out strikes, protesting onerous overtime, unsafe staffing levels and dangerous conditions (america.aljazeera.com, February 2, October 6, 2015). In April, the same year, fast food workers walked off the job in 230 cities, staging a strike aimed at a minimum wage of 15 U.S. dollars. In November, they walked out in hundreds of cities for the same reason. About 2,000 workers at seven major U.S. airports went on strike in November to protest low wages (thinkprogress.org, April 15, 2015; www.usatoday.com, November 10, November 19, 2015).
贫富差距悬殊。美国最穷的20%人口的收入仅占全民总收入的3.1%,而最富有的20%人口的收入占到51.4%。(注30)官方公布的2014年的贫困人口达到4670万人。(注31)以特拉华州为例,生活在贫困线以下的人口由2013年的11.7%上升到了12.5%,其中威尔明顿市贫困线以下的人口占到了近25%,儿童的贫困率则高达20%左右。美国民众对社会经济波动前景感到悲观,79%的人相信更多人会掉出而不是上升到中产阶级行列。(注32)There was huge income gap between the rich and the poor. In the United States, 3.1 percent of income earned annually went to the poorest 20 percent of people, while 51.4 percent was earned by the richest 20 percent (www.usatoday.com, October 10, 2015). Official data showed that 46.7 million people were living in poverty in 2014. (www.census.gov). In Delaware, the percentage of people living below the federal poverty line in 2014 was 12.5 percent, creeping up from 11.7 percent in 2013. Nearly a quarter of residents of Wilmington, Delaware lived below the poverty line. The poverty rate for children was around 20 percent. U.S. people were pessimistic about the prospects of social and economic instability. Seventy-nine percent of Americans believed it was more common for people to fall out of the middle class than rise up to it (www.usatoday.com, June 9, November 23, 2015).
食物无保障者规模庞大。据英国《卫报》网站2015年11月26日报道,2008至2014年间,美国每年至少有4810万人被官方认定为“食物无保障者”,包括19.2%有孩子的家庭,这意味着他们的均衡饮食难以保障。(注33)据美国疾病控制与防治中心评估,每年有4800万人会患上食源性疾病,其中12.8万人需要住院治疗,3000人因此丧命。(注34)根据美国农业部的最新数据,大约五分之一的儿童生活在食品保障不足的家庭。(注35)There was a large food-insecure population in the United States. According to a report published on the Guardian website on November 26, 2015, government statistics suggested that between 2008 and 2014 at least 48.1 million people a year were classed as "food insecure", including 19.2 percent of all households with children, meaning they could not always afford to eat balanced meals (www.theguardian.com, November 26, 2015). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that each year, 48 million people suffered from a foodborne illness, resulting in 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths (www.pewtrusts.org, December 4, 2015). Approximately one fifth of all U.S. children lived in food-insecure households, according to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (america.aljazeera.com, October 8, 2015).
数十万人无家可归。《今日美国》网站2015年6月9日报道,美国近几年住房价格快速上涨,而居民收入却停滞不前,55%的民众不得不为住房付出更高代价。全美地产经纪商协会的报告指出,房租和家庭收入之间的差距已经扩大到无法维持的水平。(注36)据美国住房和城市发展部的报告,截至2015年11月18日,全国超过56万人无家可归,其中包括25%的18岁以下儿童。(注37)以纽约为例,2015年10月共有59568名无家可归者每天夜里在庇护所里度过,比2005年高出86%,其中包括14361个家庭和23858名儿童。露宿街头的无家可归者普遍面临着缺乏如厕和洗澡场所等问题。(注38)洛杉矶、西雅图、波特兰和夏威夷州近年来都曾因无家可归者增多而宣布进入紧急状态。(注39)Hundreds of thousands of U.S. people were homeless. A report published on the USA Today website on June 9, 2015 said housing prices had skyrocketed in the United States in recent years, while income levels remained stagnant. Fifty-five percent of Americans had made more financial sacrifice to afford their housing. According to a report by the National Association of Realtors, the gap between rental costs and household income had been widening to unsustainable levels (www.usatoday.com, June 9, July 31, 2015). A study by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) found that more than 560,000 people were homeless in the United States as of November 18, 2015. About one fourth of them were children under the age of 18 (www.hud.gov). In New York City, there were 59,568 homeless people, including 14,361 homeless families with 23,858 homeless children, sleeping each night in municipal shelters in October 2015, 86 percent higher than the number in 2005. People living on streets had no access to toilets or showers (www.pewtrusts.org, November 11, 2015). In recent years, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and the state of Hawaii have all recently declared emergencies over the rise of homelessness (www.presstv.ir, November 20, 2015).
健康权保障不力。据美国政策创新研究所2015年9月18日发表的分析报告,尽管美国国会在2010年就通过了政府提出的医疗改革法案,承诺要建立全民医保体系,但至今仍有3300万人没有医疗保险。(注40)美国医疗护理水平在11个发达国家中倒数第1,婴儿死亡率最高。(注41)全国有超过6200个地方缺乏初级护理医生。(注42)全国艾滋病感染者超过120万人,其中八分之一的感染者并不知情。(注43)贫富群体的健康保障存在显著差异。据法新社2015年10月14日报道,纽约市布鲁克林区布朗斯维尔街区近40%的人生活在贫困线以下,其居民新感染艾滋病毒的比率为全纽约的2倍多,人均寿命比曼哈顿金融区的居民少11年。(注44)Human right to health of U.S. people was not fully protected. According to a report of the Institute for Policy Innovation released on September 18, 2015, there were still 33 million people in the United States uninsured, although U.S. Congress had passed the health care reform bill in 2010, promising to establish a universal healthcare system (www.ipi.org, September 18, 2015). The United States was reported to have the worst medical care system and the highest number of infant mortalities out of 11 developed countries (borgenproject.org, August 23, 2015). There were more than 6,200 places nationwide with a shortage of primary care physicians (www.washingtonpost.com, December 12, 2015). Today, more than 1.2 million people in the United States were HIV-positive. About one in eight of those infected were unaware of their status (edition.cnn.com, December 9, 2015). There was a significant difference between the health conditions of the rich and the poor. According to an AFP report on October 14, 2015, in Brooklyn's poorest neighborhood of Brownsville, New York City, nearly 40 percent of its citizens lived below the federal poverty level. Brownsville suffered more than twice the rates of new HIV diagnoses in New York City. Its people died 11 years earlier than those living around Manhattan's financial district. (AFP, October 14, 2015).
药物滥用致死率再创新高。据美国疾病控制与防治中心报告显示,药物滥用成为当前美国主要的致病原因。药物滥用致死率1999年至2013年增长了1倍多,从每十万居民6.0人上升至13.8人。2014年,因药物滥用造成超过47000人死亡,比2013年增加3018人。在所有药物滥用中,海洛因滥用尤为突出。2002年至2013年,海洛因过量使用致死人数翻了近两番,达到8200多人,2014年又猛增至10574人。在海洛因吸食者中,青年和女性增长明显。与2002年至2004年相比,2011年至2013年吸食海洛因的18至25岁青年人数增长了109%,女性增长了100%。(注45)Case fatality rate due to drug overdose set new record high. According to a CDC report, drug overdose was the leading cause of diseases in the United States. The death rate from drug overdose more than doubled from 6.0 per 100,000 population in 1999 to 13.8 in 2013. More than 47,000 people died from drug overdoses in 2014, an increase of 3,018 from 2013. Heroin poses the biggest issue among all forms of drug overdose. In 2013, deaths from heroin-related overdose exceeded 8,200, nearly quadrupling that of 2002. In 2014, the number surged to 10,574. Increasing number of young people and females took heroin. Compared with figures in the period from 2002 to 2004, the number of young heroin addicts aged between 18 and 25 in 2011-2013 period increased by 109 percent, while female users doubled (www.cdc.gov, October 16, December 29, 2015; www.usnews.com, December 18, 2015).

(注28) 半岛电视台美国频道网站(america.aljazeera.com),2015年2月2日,10月6日。

(注29) 《思考进步》网站(thinkprogress.org),2015年4月15日;《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年11月10日、19日。

(注30) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年10月10日。

(注31) 美国人口普查局报告,见www.census.gov。

(注32) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年6月9日、11月23日。

(注33) 英国《卫报》网站(www.theguardian.com),2015年11月26日。

(注34) 皮尤中心网站(www.pewtrusts.org),2015年12月4日。

(注35) 半岛电视台美国频道网站(america.aljazeera.com),2015年10月8日。

(注36) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年6月9日、7月31日。

(注37) 美国住房和城市发展部的报告,见www.hud.gov。

(注38) 皮尤慈善信托组织网站(www.pewtrusts.org),2015年11月11日。

(注39) 伊朗PRESS TV网站(www.presstv.ir),2015年11月20日。

(注40) 美国政策创新研究所网站(www.ipi.org),2015年9月18日。

(注41) 博根项目网站(borgenproject.org),2015年8月23日。

(注42) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年12月12日。

(注43) 美国有线电视新闻网网站(edition.cnn.com),2015年12月9日。

(注44) 法新社,2015年10月14日。

(注45) 美国疾病防控中心网站(www.cdc.gov),2015年10月16日、12月29日;《美国新闻与世界报道》网站(www.usnews.com),2015年12月18日。

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四、种族歧视变本加厉IV. Racial Discrimination Worse Than Ever
2015年,美国的种族关系持续恶化,执法司法领域依然是种族歧视的重灾区,种族仇恨犯罪时有发生,反穆斯林言论甚嚣尘上,少数族裔在经济和社会生活中的弱势地位难以扭转。In 2015, racial relations in the United States kept deteriorating. Law enforcement and justice fields were heavily influenced by racial discrimination, and race-based hate crimes occurred occasionally. Anti-Muslim remarks caused a great clamor, and minority races were unable to change their vulnerable status in economic and social lives.
种族关系为近20年来最糟糕年份。美国哥伦比亚广播公司与《纽约时报》2015年5月4日联合发布的调查显示,61%的美国人认为美国的种族关系差,这是1992年以来的最高点,大多数非洲裔和白人美国人均认为美国种族关系处于糟糕状态。(注46)《华尔街日报》和美国全国广播公司新闻网2015年12月的联合调查显示,认为美国的种族关系处于良好状态的美国人从2009年1月的77%下降到34%。(注47)美国公共宗教研究所2015年11月发布的调查结果显示,35%的被调查者认为自己居住的社区存在种族紧张问题,比2012年增长了18个百分点。(注48)皮尤中心2015年8月发布的数据显示,50%的美国人认为种族主义是美国社会的严重问题;60%的美国人认为国家需要继续努力促进种族平等,比一年前高出14个百分点。(注49)Americans' view of race relations was at a two-decade low. A poll jointly released by the CBS News and The New York Times on May 4, 2015 showed that 61 percent of Americans characterized race relations in the United States as "bad," including a majority of white and black respondents. The figure was the highest since 1992 (newyork.cbslocal.com, May 4, 2015). A Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll in December 2015 showed that only 34 percent of Americans believe race relations in the United States were fairly good or very good, down from a high of 77 percent in January 2009 (blogs.wsj.com, December 16, 2015). A survey released in November 2015 by the Public Religion Research Institute in the United States showed that 35 percent of Americans believed racial tensions were a major concern in their own communities, jumping 18 percentage points from 2012 (publicreligion.org, November 17, 2015). Figures released in August 2015 by Pew Research Center showed that 50 percent of Americans said that racism was a big problem in the U.S. society; 60 percent Americans said the country needed to continue making changes to achieve racial equality, up 14 percentage points from a year ago (www.people-press.org, August 5, 2015).
警察杀害非洲裔美国人的案件屡屡发生。2015年11月15日,明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市24岁非洲裔男子贾马尔·克拉克被白人警察开枪打死。事发时,两名警察正试图逮捕他。据目击者称,克拉克头部中枪时双手戴着手铐。一个名为 “黑人生命很重要” 的民权团体在全国多个城市组织抗议游行。活动组织者在社交网站上表示,“现在整个美国都弥漫着反对有色人种的白人至上恐怖主义。”(注50) 2015年4月12日,25岁的非洲裔男子弗雷迪·格雷在马里兰州西巴尔的摩地区遭警方逮捕时,被警察用膝盖顶住背部和头部、双手反铐在背后、脸朝下拖进警车。在发现格雷呼吸困难并要求帮助后,警察并未理会。格雷随后出现昏迷,直至送医院后死亡,死因是脊柱严重受伤。事件引发巴尔的摩市居民大规模抗议示威。示威活动27日演变成暴力冲突,导致马里兰州宣布进入紧急状态,并出动国民警卫队维持秩序。这是继2014年白人警察枪杀非洲裔少年布朗引发弗格森骚乱后,美国州政府6个月内第二次动用国民警卫队维护秩序。《纽约时报》4月28日评论称,“格雷成为这个国家警察暴行的最新象征”。(注51) 据《华盛顿邮报》网站统计,截至2015年12月24日,警察全年共射杀965人,其中36人是手无寸铁的非洲裔美国人。(注52)美国哥伦比亚广播公司与《纽约时报》2015年5月4日联合发布的调查显示,79%的非洲裔美国人认为警察更容易针对非洲裔使用致命性武器,非洲裔比白人更倾向于认为地方警察带给他们的是焦虑感而不是安全感。(注53)全美律师协会公布的一项调查显示,88%的非洲裔和59%的白人相信非洲裔美国人遭受到警察不公正的对待。(注54)Cases of African-Americans being killed by police occurred repeatedly. On November 15, 2015, the 24-year-old African-American Jamar Clark was shot dead by white police officers. The fatal shooting occurred when two police officers were trying to arrest him. Witnesses said that Clark was handcuffed when he was shot in the head. The civil rights organization "Black Lives Matter" organized protests in multiple cities across the country. In a Facebook post, Black Lives Matter activists noted "the era of white supremacist terrorism against people of color across the U.S.," (www.theatlantic.com, November 18, 2015; www.mprnews.org, November 20, 2015; www.huffingtonpost.com, November 24, 2015) On April 12, 2015, as 25-year-old African-American Freddie Gray was being arrested, police handcuffed him and had knees on his back and his head. Gray was dragged and thrown into the back of a police van with his face down. Gray requested medical attention while being transported in the van but the request was denied. Gray lapsed into a coma following the journey on April 12 and died a week later in a hospital. He died of a severe spinal cord injury. The incident sparked large-scale protests in Baltimore. The protests turned violent on April 27, and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency and activated the National Guard. It was the second time in six months that a state called out the National Guard to enforce order after a white police officer killed a black teenager, Michael Brown, in Ferguson in 2014. The New York Times said that Gray had become the nation's latest symbol of police brutality in an April 28 story. (edition.cnn.com, April 29, 2015; www.bbc.com, May 5, 2015; baltimore.cbslocal.com, April 27, 2015; www.nytimes.com, April 27 and 28, 2015) According to The Washington Post website, police fatally shot 965 people in 2015 as of December 24, 2015, including 36 unarmed African-Americans (www.washingtonpost.com, December 24, 2015). The CBS News-New York Times poll released on May 4, 2015 showed that 79 percent of African-Americans believed police were more likely to use deadly force against a black person than against a white person, and black respondents were more likely than white respondents to believe their local police made them feel anxious rather than safe (newyork.cbslocal.com, May 4, 2015). According to a poll released by the National Bar Association in the United States, 88 percent of blacks believed black people were treated unfairly by police, compared with 59 percent of whites who shared that view (www.usatoday.com, September 9, 2015).
刑事司法领域种族歧视严重。2015年盖勒普公司的一项调查显示,68%的非洲裔美国人和37%的白人认为美国的刑事司法体系存在种族歧视。(注55)公共宗教研究所的调查显示,51%的美国人认为非洲裔和其他少数族裔在刑事司法体系中与白人相比受到了不平等对待,78%的非洲裔美国人认为他们在刑事司法体系中受到不平等待遇。(注56)在一些案件审判过程中,公诉人在选任陪审团成员时会刻意将符合条件的非洲裔陪审员排除出去。在美国南部地区,这种操纵陪审团种族构成的做法极为常见。(注57)Racial discrimination in the criminal justice system was severe. A Gallup survey in 2015 showed that 68 percent of African-Americans believed the American criminal justice system was racially biased, while 37 percent of whites said the same (www.usatoday.com, June 18, 2015). According to a survey released by the Public Religion Research Institute, 51 percent of Americans disagreed that blacks and other minorities received equal treatment as whites in the criminal justice system, and 78 percent of black Americans disagreed that blacks and other minorities received equal treatment to whites in the criminal justice system (publicreligion.org, May 7, 2015). Prosecutors intentionally struck black people from juries in trials of black defendants. In the South, the practice for prosecutors to strike jurors based on race remained common (www.newyorker.com, June 5, 2015).
种族仇恨犯罪时有发生。46岁的克雷格·斯蒂芬·希克斯于2015年2月10日在北卡罗莱纳大学附近枪杀三名穆斯林学生,凶手此前时常在网络上发表各种反宗教言论。(注58)21岁的白人男子戴伦·鲁夫2015年6月17日晚在南卡罗莱纳州查尔斯顿一个非洲裔美国人教堂内枪杀了包括牧师在内的9人。鲁夫在行凶时对受害者大喊:“你们强奸我们的妇女,占领我们的国家,你们必须滚出去。”(注59)Race-related hate crimes occurred occasionally. Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, shot dead three Muslim students near the University of North Carolina on February 10, 2015. Hicks had frequently posted messages critical of various religions on the Internet (indianexpress.com, June 5, 2015). On June 17, 2015, Dylann Roof, a 21-year-old white man, opened fire and killed nine people, including a pastor, at an African-American church in Charleston in South Carolina. According to witnesses, Roof told the victims, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country, and you have to go (www.cbsnews.com, June 17, 2015; www.bbc.com, June 19, 2015)."
反穆斯林言论甚嚣尘上。英国《卫报》网站2015年11月19日报道,一位共和党总统参选人公开发表言论,称会考虑对穆斯林实施未经授权的搜查,增加对清真寺的监控,并声称不排除建立追踪美国穆斯林的数据库,或给穆斯林颁发标明其宗教信仰的特殊身份证。(注60)12月7日,该参选人又声称“应全面禁止穆斯林进入美国”。(注61)近年来,美国人对伊斯兰教的看法变得越来越负面。美国公共宗教研究所的调查发现,56%的美国民众认为伊斯兰教与美国基本价值相冲突,持此观点的共和党人高达76%。(注62)联合国人权委员会对美国“执法人员对某些族裔群体特别是穆斯林的监视表示关切”。(注63)Anti-Muslim remarks caused a great clamor. The Guardian reported on November 19, 2015 that a Republican presidential candidate made public comments, saying that he would consider warrantless searches of Muslims and increased surveillance of mosques, and that he would not rule out tracking Muslim Americans in a database or giving them "a special form of identification that noted their religion (www.theguardian.com, November 19, 2015)." On December 7, the presidential candidate made a statement calling for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States (www.economist.com, December 8, 2015)." In recent years, Americans' view on Islam became more and more negative. According to a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute, 56 percent of Americans said that the values of Islam were "at odds" with America's values and way of life, and 76 percent of Republicans were especially likely to have the same opinion (www.washingtonpost.com, November 17, 2015). The Human Rights Committee remained concerned about the practice of racial profiling and surveillance by law enforcement officials targeting certain ethnic minorities, notably Muslims (daccess-dds-ny.un.org).
少数族裔处境艰难。美国劳工统计局数据显示,2015年11月白人失业率为4.3%,非洲裔为9.4%,拉美裔为6.4%。非洲裔失业率是白人失业率的两倍以上,拉美裔失业率比白人高出近50%。(注64)非洲裔大学生失业率与白人高中生失业率大致相当。(注65)在爱荷华州,33%的非洲裔家庭年收入低于2万美元,而只有8%的白人家庭低于此数。超过20%的白人家庭年收入超过10万美元,而只有8%的非洲裔家庭能达到同样水平。(注66)在纽约无家可归者收容所的受助者中,约57%是非洲裔,31%是拉美裔,8%是白人。(注67)据美国有线电视新闻网网站2015年2月18日报道,种族之间的收入不平等进一步扩大,白人拥有的财富是非洲裔的12倍,是拉美裔的近11倍,“对于很多非洲裔和拉美裔美国家庭而言,美国梦仍然遥不可及。”(注68)非洲裔美国人达内尔·沃克拍摄的名为《寻求避难》的纪录片在互联网上放映后,引起强烈反响。该片记录了非洲裔美国人的困境。由于警察的野蛮执法等原因,一些非洲裔美国人在美国不再感到安全,希望转到其他地方定居。针对美国连续发生的警察杀害非洲裔事件,2004年从美国移居法国的作家迈尔斯·马歇尔·刘易斯在2014年出版了《黑人没有国家》一书。(注69)Minority races were in a dire situation. According to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rates in November 2015 were 4.3 percent for whites, 9.4 percent for blacks and 6.4 percent for Hispanics. The unemployment rate for blacks more than doubled that for whites, and the figure for Hispanics was 50 percent higher than that for whites (www.bls.gov). The unemployment rate for black college graduates was roughly equal to the rate for white Americans with associate degrees (huffingtonpost.com, December 18, 2015). A third of Iowa's black households earned less than 20,000 U.S. dollars annually, compared with 8 percent of white households. More than one fifth of white households in Iowa earned 100,000 U.S. dollars or more in a year, but only eight percent of black households did (www.usatoday.com, October 31, 2015). Approximately 57 percent of New York City homeless shelter residents were African-American, 31 percent were Latino, 8 percent were white (www.coalitionforthehomeless.org, March 18, 2015). According to a CNN report on February 18, 2015, financial inequality was pervading the country and it was getting worse. Whites had 12 times the wealth of blacks and nearly 10 times more than Hispanics. "The American Dream remains out of reach for many African-American and Hispanic families." (money.cnn.com, February 18, 2015) The documentary Seeking Asylum by African-American Darnell Walker triggered heated responses after debuting online, chronicling the plight of black Americans who no longer felt safe in the United States due to rampant police brutality and were looking to settle elsewhere. Miles Marshall Lewis, who moved to France in 2004 from the United States, published his book "No Country for Black Men" in 2014, a response to the wave of police killings targeting blacks (www.thedailybeast.com, November 11, 2015).

(注46) 美国哥伦比亚广播公司纽约分支机构网站(newyork.cbslocal.com),2015年5月4日。

(注47) 《华尔街日报》博客网(blogs.wsj.com),2015年12月16日。

(注48) 美国公共宗教研究所网站(publicreligion.org),2015年11月17日。

(注49) people-press 网站(www.people-press.org),2015年8月5日;《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年8月5日。

(注50) 美国《大西洋》月刊网站(www.theatlantic.com),2015年11月18日;明尼苏达州公共广播电台新闻网站(www.mprnews.org),2015年11月20日;《赫芬顿邮报》网站(www.huffingtonpost.com),2015年11月24日。

(注51) 美国有线电视新闻网网站(edition.cnn.com),2015年4月29日;英国广播公司网站(www.bbc.com),2015年5月5日;美国哥伦比亚广播公司巴尔的摩分支机构网站(baltimore.cbslocal.com),2015年4月27日;《纽约时报》网站(www.nytimes.com),2015年4月27日,4月28日。

(注52) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年12月24日。

(注53) 美国哥伦比亚广播公司纽约分支机构网站(newyork.cbslocal.com),2015年5月4日。

(注54) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年9月9日。

(注55) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年6月18日。

(注56) 美国公共宗教研究所网站(publicreligion.org),2015年5月7日。

(注57) 《纽约客》网站(www.newyorker.com),2015年6月5日。

(注58) 印度《印度快报》网站(indianexpress.com),2015年6月5日。

(注59) 美国哥伦比亚广播公司网站(www.cbsnews.com),2015年6月17日;英国广播公司网站(www.bbc.com),2015年6月19日。

(注60) 英国《卫报》网站(www.theguardian.com),2015年11月19日。

(注61) 英国《经济学人》网站(www.economist.com),2015年12月8日。

(注62) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年11月17日。

(注63) 联合国报告A/70/255,见daccess-dds-ny.un.org。

(注64) 美国劳工统计局2015年12月4日报告,见www.bls.gov。

(注65) 《赫芬顿邮报》网站(huffingtonpost.com),2015年12月18日。

(注66) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年10月31日。

(注67) 无家可归者联盟网站(www.coalitionforthehomeless.org),2015年3月18日。

(注68) 美国有线电视新闻网网站(money.cnn.com),2015年2月18日。

(注69) thedailybeast网站(www.thedailybeast.com),2015年11月11日。

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五、妇女和儿童权利堪忧V. Missing Rights for Women and Children
2015年,美国妇女和儿童权利受到严重侵犯。妇女遭受职场歧视、家庭暴力和性侵犯的情况严重,儿童面临枪支、虐待、贫困和警察暴力的威胁。Rights of women and children were grossly violated in the United States in 2015. Women were facing serious workplace discrimination, domestic violence and sexual violation and children were under the threats of arms, abuse, poverty and police violence.
女性社会地位下降。2015年12月11日,联合国“在法律和实践中歧视妇女问题工作组”实地考察后指出,美国仍然没有落实普遍带薪产假、生育保健和政治选举中的平等机会等权利和保护措施。美国妇女在公共和政治领域的任职率、经济与社会权利保障、健康和安全保护等方面低于国际标准。女性在各州立法机构中所占席位平均值为24.9%,在全球仅排第72位。两性之间的收入差距为21%;过去十年,贫困妇女比例从12.1%上升至14.5%,该数字高于男性。贫困妇女、移徙妇女在获取性健康和生殖健康服务方面面临更大的障碍。缺乏枪支管制给妇女安全造成很大威胁,在一些家庭暴力案件中尤其严重,被拘留妇女和美洲原住民妇女遭受暴力的比例很高。(注70)Women were facing worsening situation of inferior social status. On December 11, 2015, the United Nations Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice delivered a statement after a mission to the United States and pointed out the missing rights and protections such as universal paid maternity leave, accessible reproductive health care and equal opportunity in standing for political election for the country's women. In the United States, women fell behind international standards as regards their public and political representation, their economic and social rights and their health and safety protections. Women's average representation in state legislatures was 24.9 percent. This rate placed the country at only the 72nd in global ranking. The gender wage gap was 21 percent. The percentage of women in poverty increased over the past decade, from 12.1 percent to 14.5 percent, with a higher rate of poverty than men. Poor and immigrant women faced severe barriers in accessing sexual and reproductive health services. Women faced fatal consequences of lack of gun control, in particular in cases of domestic violence. The statement also expressed concerns over violence against women in detention as well as the alarming high rates of violence against Native-American women (www.ohchr.org, December 11, 2015).
女性面临职场歧视。美国人口普查局2015年9月发布的数据显示,2014年全职女性比全职男性的平均年薪少10762美元,二者的平均年薪收入比为79∶100。(注71)国际劳工组织根据2014年185个国家和地区的可用数据指出,美国是唯一没有立法明确规定带薪产假的工业化国家。(注72)《洛杉矶时报》网站2015年5月6日报道,在美国高科技企业2013年的晋升过程中,白人男性比白人女性拥有42%的优势,相对亚裔女性的优势则高达260%。(注73)Women were suffering workplace discrimination. A report released by the U.S. Census Bureau in September 2015 revealed that women in the U.S. were paid 79 cents for every dollar paid to men in 2014, amounting to a yearly wage gap of 10,762 U.S. dollars between full-time working men and women (www.census.gov). The United Nations' International Labour Organization said in 2014 that out of the 185 countries and territories with available data, the United States was the only industrialized nation with no overall law for cash benefits provided to women during maternity leave (abcnews.go.com, May 6, 2015). A report at the website of the Los Angeles Times on May 6, 2015 said that white men had a 42 percent advantage over white women when it came to being promoted to the executive level in U.S. tech companies, but that paled in comparison to the 260 percent advantage they had to Asian women (www.latimes.com, May 6, 2015).
女性遭受不同形式的性骚扰和性侵犯。美国高等院校联合会2015年9月发布的调查结果显示,23%的大学本科女生遭受过性骚扰或性侵犯,20%的大学生认为性侵犯和不当性行为成为大学校园中极为严重的问题。(注74)据《今日美国》网站2015年8月17日报道,37%的美国女性曾遭受网络性骚扰,而拉美裔和非洲裔妇女遭受性骚扰的比例分别高达54%、51%。许多网络性骚扰发展为现实生活中的跟踪和性骚扰。(注75)据《今日美国》网站2015年12月11日报道,俄克拉荷马州前警官丹尼尔·霍尔茨克劳被控在自己巡逻的低收入社区中性侵女性。在他被判已经证实的18项罪名中,涉及的8名受害者均为非洲裔女性。(注76)Women fell victim to various forms of sex harassments and sex assaults. A survey released by the Association of American Universities in September 2015 indicated that 23 percent of undergraduate women said they were victims of non-consensual sexual contact and that 20 percent of students said sexual assault and misconduct was very or extremely problematic on their own campus (www.latimes.com, September 21, 2015; www.washingtonpost.com, September 1/September 21, 2015). According to a report at the USA Today website on August 17, 2015, a total of 37 percent of women said they had experienced some kind of online harassment. A total of 54 percent of Hispanics and 51 percent of African Americans said they had experienced online harassment. Also, women were more likely to be targets of serious cases in which they were stalked and sexually harassed (www.usatoday.com, August 17, 2015). Another article at the USA Today website on December 11, 2015 reported that Daniel Holtzclaw, a former Oklahoma City police officer, was convicted of sexually assaulting women he preyed upon in a low-income neighborhood he patrolled. He was convicted of 18 counts connected to eight women, all of whom were black (www.usatoday.com, December 11, 2015).
枪支威胁儿童安全。据美国“枪支暴力档案”网站发布的《2015年枪支暴力伤亡统计》,截至12月28日,美国2015年发生的枪击案件导致682名11岁以下的儿童伤亡,2640名12岁至17岁的青少年伤亡。(注77)据俄罗斯电视台网站2015年10月10日报道,当年美国已发生52起校园枪击案,每个月至少发生2起。(注78)据《今日美国》网站2015年1月22日报道,美国几乎每周都有两名儿童遭受意外枪击死亡,近三分之二的意外死亡发生在受害者的家里或者车中。(注79)根据美国儿科学会的调查,美国15岁以上因伤致死的青少年中,有四分之一死于枪击事件。(注80)Children were under the threats of guns. According to statistics from the Gun Violence Archive website, as of December 28, 2015, gun-related incidents that year left 682 children under the age of 11 and 2,640 children aged between 12 and 17 killed or injured (www.gunviolencearchive.org, December 28, 2015). The RT America reported at its website on October 10, 2015 that the number of U.S. school shootings that year climbed to 52. There were at least two school shootings a month in 2015 (www.rt.com, October 10, 2015). A report at the website of the USA Today on January 21, 2015 said that almost two children were killed every week in unintentional shootings, and nearly two thirds of these unintended deaths took place in a home or vehicle that belonged to the victim's family (www.usatoday.com, January 22, 2015). More than a quarter of the teenagers -- 15 years old and up -- who died of injuries in the United States were killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (www.theatlantic.com, January 12, 2015).
儿童健康和生活状况不佳。美国疾病和预防中心的统计显示,新生儿患有梅毒的比率在2012至2014年间增长了38%,是2001年以来的最高水平。(注81)美国正在接受治疗的吸毒者中,有五分之一是18岁之前通过父母初次接触毒品的。(注82)美国人口普查局的调查显示,2015年约有1740万儿童由单亲妈妈抚养,其中45%生活在贫困线以下。(注83)在纽约,近6%的非洲裔儿童和近3%的拉美裔儿童因无家可归需要求助于庇护所。(注84)《今日美国》网站2015年8月15日报道,47%的农村拉美裔婴儿和41%的城市拉美裔婴儿出生于贫困家庭。农村地区的婴儿很难享受到诸如联邦和州为妇女儿童提供的特殊营养项目,陷于贫困的可能性更大,“这些孩子一出生就输在了人生的起跑线上”。(注85)Poor health and living conditions for children. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the rate of newborns with syphilis jumped 38 percent between 2012 and 2014 to its highest level in more than a decade (www.washingtonpost.com, November 12, 2015). A survey said that one in five drug abusers in some treatment programs in the United States received their first taste of these illegal substances from their parents, usually before the age of 18 (abcnews.go.com, August 24, 2015). According to U.S. Census Bureau, about 17.4 million children under the age of 18 were being raised without a father and 45 percent lived below the poverty line (singlemotherguide.com, June 1, 2015). About 6 percent of New York City's African-American population under 18 years old and nearly 3 percent Latino children utilized New York City shelters because of homelessness (www.coalitionforthehomeless.org, March 19, 2015). The USA Today website reported on August 15, 2015 that 47 percent of rural Hispanic babies were born poor, compared to 41 percent of Hispanic babies in urban areas. Hispanics babies born in rural enclaves were more likely to be impoverished and it was harder for them to receive help from federal and state programs, such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. "These babies are starting behind the starting line." (www.usatoday.com, August 15, 2015)
儿童遭遇虐待。《华盛顿邮报》网站2015年1月1日报道,发生在华盛顿及周边地区的多数儿童死亡案件的作案人是家长或其他监护人。(注86)《迈阿密先驱报》网站2015年3月10日报道,在佛罗里达州,三分之一的女孩和五分之一的男孩在18岁前可能遭受性侵害。这些受虐经历会对受害者未来的生活造成严重的负面影响,平均每位受虐者会因为受害经历在其一生中失去250000美元的收入,一半的受害者在校学习成绩低于平均成绩。(注87)Children were suffering abuse. A report at the website of The Washington Post on January 1, 2015 said that among the young children killed in the D.C. region, the majority was killed by a parent or guardian (www.washingtonpost.com, January 1, 2015). The Miami Herald website on March 10, 2015 reported that one in three girls and one in five boys would become a victim of child sexual abuse in Florida before they turned 18. Such experience would have serious negative impact on their future lives. On average, each victim of child sexual abuse would lose 250,000 U.S. dollars in earnings throughout his or her lifetime because of the abuse. Fifty percent of victims had below-average grades (www.miamiherald.com, March 10, 2015).
非洲裔儿童成为警察暴力的受害者。美国有线电视新闻网财经频道网站2015年6月10日报道,得克萨斯州麦金利警察局的白人警察暴力对待一名14岁非洲裔女孩的视频在网上广泛传播。该警察在处置一起来自泳池聚会的报警时,大声辱骂几个非洲裔青少年,并将身穿泳衣的非洲裔女孩猛烈摔到地面,后来甚至拔出配枪对准他们。现场拍摄视频的白人目击者认为该警察的行为毫无疑问是出于种族主义动机。这一事件引发民众的抗议游行。(注88) 2015年10月26日,南卡罗来纳州春谷高中的驻校白人警察本·菲尔茨对一名非洲裔女生施暴的视频在网上引发民众愤慨。该校警猛掐这名在课堂上玩手机的女孩的颈部,将其连人带椅狠狠摔倒在地,最后拖出教室。菲尔茨2013年曾因不公平且粗暴对待非洲裔学生被告上法庭。美国全国有色人种协进会称,从未有白人学生遭受如此暴力对待。美国公民自由联盟南卡罗来纳州分支机构主管维多利亚·米德尔顿认为,无论出于何种目的,在课堂上对年轻孩子过度使用暴力的行为都无法容忍,“学校不应该成为孩子们被粗暴对待的地方”。(注89)African-American children fell victim to police violence. The CNN website on June 10, 2015 reported that a video went viral online showing violence by a white police officer of the Police Department in McKinney, Texas, against a 14-year-old African-American girl. The officer, called to a community swimming pool party after complaints, cursed at several black teenagers and yanked the girl wearing only a bikini to the ground. He also pointed his gun at the teenagers. The white witness who shot the video said there was no doubt race was a factor in how police responded. This incident triggered some public protests (edition.cnn.com, June 10, 2015). On October 26, 2015, a video that showed Ben Fields, a white school resource officer at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina, manhandling an African-American school girl drew intense criticism. The officer grabbed the girl, who used her cell phone during class, by the neck, flipped her over and dragged her across the floor. Fields in 2013 was named as a defendant in a federal lawsuit that claimed he "unfairly and recklessly targets African-American students." The U.S. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People criticized that such violence "doesn't affect white students". Victoria Middleton, the executive director for the South Carolina branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, said that regardless of the reason for the officer's actions, such egregious use of force - against young people who were sitting in their classrooms - was outrageous. "School should be a place to learn and grow, not a place to be brutalized." (abcnews.go.com, October 28, 2015)

(注70) 联合国人权高专办网站(www.ohchr.org),2015年12月11日。

(注71) 美国人口普查局报告,见www.census.gov。

(注72) 美国广播公司新闻网站(abcnews.go.com),2015年5月6日。

(注73) 《洛杉矶时报》网站(www.latimes.com),2015年5月6日。

(注74) 《洛杉矶时报》网站(www.latimes.com),2015年9月21日;《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年9月1日、21日。

(注75) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年8月17日。

(注76) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年12月11日。

(注77) 美国“枪支暴力档案”网站(www.gunviolencearchive.org),2015年12月28日。

(注78) 俄罗斯电视台网站(www.rt.com),2015年10月10日。

(注79) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年1月22日。

(注80) 美国《大西洋》月刊网站(www.theatlantic.com),2015年1月12日。

(注81) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年11月12日。

(注82) 美国广播公司新闻网站(abcnews.go.com),2015年8月24日。

(注83) singlemotherguide网站(singlemotherguide.com),2015年6月1日。

(注84) 无家可归者联盟网站(www.coalitionforthehomeless.org),2015年3月19日。

(注85) 《今日美国》网站(www.usatoday.com),2015年8月15日。

(注86) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年1月1日。

(注87) 《迈阿密先驱报》网站(www.miamiherald.com),2015年3月10日。

(注88) 美国有线电视新闻网财经频道网站(edition.cnn.com),2015年6月10日。

(注89) 美国广播公司新闻网站(abcnews.go.com),2015年10月28日。

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六、粗暴侵犯他国人权VI. Gross Violations of Human Rights in Other Countries
2015年,美国依然变本加厉侵犯他国人权,造成大量平民伤亡,海外监听项目侵犯公民隐私权,关塔那摩监狱的虐囚丑闻仍在继续。美国迄今未批准联合国多项核心人权公约,并对联合国重要人权决议投反对票。In 2015, the United States continued to trample on human rights in other countries, causing tremendous civilian casualties. Its overseas monitoring projects infringed on the privacy of citizens of other countries while torture scandals at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp continued. Up to date, the United States has not ratified some core human rights conventions of the United Nations and voted against some important human rights resolutions.
空袭行动造成大量平民伤亡。据空中战争跟踪组织统计,2014年8月8日以来,美国不断组织联军对伊拉克和叙利亚境内武装进行空袭。截至2015年12月6日,美国空袭伊拉克3965次,空袭叙利亚2823次,据估算共造成两国境内1695至2239名平民死亡。(注90)叙利亚政府认为美国主导的空袭行动是赤裸裸的“侵略行为”。(注91)2015年10月3日,阿富汗昆都士的“无国界医生”组织医院受到美军持续近半小时的空袭,许多无法行动的病人在病床上被当场炸死,一些逃出医院的医护人员遭到空中扫射,共造成42人遇难,许多尸体难以辨认。(注92)Air strikes caused a large number of civilian casualties. According to Airwars, a project aimed at tracking air strikes in the Middle East, the United States had repeatedly organized coalition forces to launch air strikes against military forces in Iraq and Syria since August 8, 2014. As of December 6, 2015, the United States launched 3,965 air strikes in Iraq and 2,823 in Syria, causing an estimated number of civilian deaths between 1,695 and 2,239 (www.airwars.org). The Syrian government called U.S.-led coalition air strikes an "act of aggression" (www.independent.co.uk, December 7, 2015). On October 3, 2015, a hospital run by aid group "Doctors Without Borders" in the city of Kunduz in Afghanistan was under a bombing that continued for half an hour. Many patients who were unable to move were killed on site, while some staff of the aid group were shot at from the air while fleeing the hospital. A total of 42 people were killed in the air strike, with some bodies charred beyond recognition (www.sputniknews.com, December 12, 2015; www.abcnews.go.com, October 5, 2015).
频繁使用无人机滥杀无辜。英国《每日邮报》网站2015年10月15日报道,美国军队在执行无人机暗杀计划时仅仅使用追踪电话数据这一有限的方式来确定袭击目标。2012年1月至2013年2月美军在阿富汗东北部发动的一场代号为“干草机”的行动中,219人被炸死,其中仅有35人是预先要攻击的目标。在另一次长达5个月的行动中,90%被杀死的人都不是预先要攻击的目标,但是所有死者都被贴上了“阵亡敌人”的标签。(注93)《华盛顿邮报》网站2015年4月24日报道,根据一份研究报告,2001年“9·11”事件以来,美国在巴基斯坦和也门进行的415次无人机袭击中,估算造成423至962名平民死亡。(注94)美国滥用无人机袭击的做法,不仅受到国际社会的广泛批评,也被美国学术界强烈质疑。2015年3月20日,《华盛顿邮报》网站专门介绍了安德鲁·科伯恩所著的《杀人链条:高科技暗杀的兴起》和格里高利·查马尤所著的《无人机原理》两本书。安德鲁·科伯恩认为,“美国在全球部署具有毁灭性军事力量的过程中,无人机轰炸政策是其中一种充满着谎言、欺骗和贪婪的历史模式的顶点,是此前美国暗杀政策的延续。无人机轰炸政策不但没有实现加强美国国家安全的目标,而且还削弱了民主的进程,并在被空袭国制造了混乱,成为滋生极端主义的温床。”查马尤和科伯恩强调,无人机轰炸是一种“非人道的战争方式”,“用无人机作战,没有胜利者,只有屠杀”。(注95)A frequent use of drones claimed many innocent lives. According to an October 15, 2015 report run by Daily Mail website, when carrying out drone assassinations, the U.S. military used "phone data alone" -- a limited way of guaranteeing a kill. During Operation Haymaker, a campaign in northeastern Afghanistan which ran between January 2012 and February 2013, some 219 people were killed by drones but just 35 were the intended targets. During another five-month stretch of the operation, a staggering 90 percent of those killed were not the intended target. Despite this all the deaths were labeled EKIA, or "enemy killed in action." (www.dailymail.co.uk, October 15, 2015). A report posted on April 24, 2015 by The Washington Post on its website said a study, which documented 415 strikes in Pakistan and Yemen since the September 11, 2001 attacks, put the total number of killed civilians between 423 and 962 (www.washingtonpost.com, April 24, 2015). The abuse of drone strikes not only drew widespread criticism from international community, but also incurred strong doubt from U.S. scholars. The Washington Post posted an article on March 20, 2015, introducing to its readers two books on drones - Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins, by Andrew Cockburn, and A Theory of the Drones, by Gregoire Chamayou. Cockburn sees America's killer drone policy as "the culmination of a historical pattern of lies, deception and greed in the deployment of lethal military force around the world" and as "a continuation of previous U.S. assassination policy." Failing miserably to achieve the country's stated goal of enhanced security, the policy simultaneously undermined the democratic process, Cockburn writes, noting that "assassination by robot is bound to inspire rather than curtail extremism." According to Chamayou and Cockburn, killer drone exposes the trend toward a new -- and "inhumane form of warfare." "With drone warfare, there is no victory, just perpetual elimination." (www.washingtonpost.com, March 20, 2015).
滥用酷刑践踏人权。美国参议院情报委员会公布的中情局虐囚报告指出,中情局使用的水刑、长期单独囚禁、将囚犯头部猛力撞墙和抽打乃至死亡威胁等审讯手段大大超出了法律所允许的范围。(注96)而根据有关嫌疑人的说法,美国的虐囚行为远远超出了报告所披露的内容。英国《卫报》网站2015年6月2日报道,曾被关押在关塔那摩监狱的囚犯马吉德·可汗说,审讯官将冰水倒在他的生殖器上,两次对其裸体进行录像,并不停地触摸他的“私处”;他的双脚和小腿都被放置于形如高筒靴的金属铐中,这种金属铐戳入他的肉中,使他的双腿难以动弹;狱警将他赤身裸体悬挂在木梁上长达三天,期间只提供少量饮用水而没有任何食物——他所遭受的这些酷刑都没有被写入参议院报告。(注97) 2016年1月11日,包括联合国酷刑问题特别报告员门德斯、在反恐中促进和保护人权问题特别报告员埃默森、法官和律师独立性问题特别报告员平托、任意拘留问题工作组主席洪晟弼以及欧安组织民主机构与人权办公室主任林克在内的人权专家共同发表公开信,敦促美国政府尽早关闭关塔那摩监狱。关塔那摩监狱已经建立14年之久,截至2016年1月11日,仍有近100人在被任意拘留多年且未经审判的情况下被继续羁押。(注98)Abuse of cruel torture trampled on human rights. A report by the U.S. Senate on the study of the Central Intelligence Agency's detention and interrogation program found that the CIA's use of brutal interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, long-term solitary confinement, slamming prisoners' heads into walls, lashing and death threat, were in serious violation of U.S. law (www.intelligence.senate.gov). While according to some witnesses, the CIA torture went far beyond the Senate report had disclosed. Majid Khan, a Guantanamo Bay detainee-turned government cooperating witness, said interrogators poured ice water on his genitals, twice videotaped him naked and repeatedly touched his "private parts". At one point, Khan said, his feet and lower legs were placed in tall boot-like metal cuffs that dug into his flesh and immobilized his legs. The guards also stripped him naked, hung him from a wooden beam for three days and provided him with water but no food. All the above torture details that Khan had undergone were not included in the Senate report (www.theguardian.com, June 2, 2015). On January 11, 2016, human rights experts, including the UN special rapporteurs on torture Juan E. Mendez; on human rights and counterterrorism, Ben Emmerson; on independence of the judiciary, Monica Pinto; Chair-Rapporteur of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Seong-Phil Hong; and the director of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights under the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Michael Georg Link, together called on the U.S. Government to promptly close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, 14 years after the detention center became operational. The experts recalled in the letter that close to 100 detainees still languished in Guantanamo after years of arbitrary detention without trial (www.un.org, January 11, 2016).
对他国政要实施监听。英国广播公司网站2015年4月30日披露,美国国家安全局长期监听欧洲国家领导人。(注99)英国《独立报》2015年6月24日报道,美国先后对3位法国总统和其他政府高官进行了长期的电话监听,对此法国政府发言人表示“无法接受”。(注100)尽管受到来自盟国的批评,美国政府依然以国家安全为由决定对部分国家领导人实施监听。(注101)The United States spied on leaders from other countries. The BBC reported on April 30, 2015 that the U.S. National Security Agency, by working with other secret services, has long monitored on European leaders (www.bbc.com, April 30, 2015). The Independent reported on June 24, 2015 that the United States had bugged the phones of three French presidents and many other senior French officials, for which a French government spokesman said was "unacceptable" (www.independent.co.uk, June 24, 2015). Facing criticism from its allies, the U.S. government continued to monitor some leaders in the name of "national security purpose" (www.theguardian.com, December 30, 2015).
美国口口声声标榜“人权”,以“人权卫士”自居,但时至今日,美国仍不批准《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》《儿童权利公约》《残疾人权利公约》等联合国核心人权公约。美国是当今世界唯一没有批准《儿童权利公约》的国家。对于国际人权事务,美国也经常采取不合作态度。对于联合国人权理事会特别机制以及联合国人权事务高级专员等对美国人权状况提出的批评,美国政府经常予以拖延或置若罔闻。2015年9月28日联合国人权理事会通过有关发展权的决议时,美国一如既往地投了反对票。(注102)Though the United States repeatedly vowed to defend "human rights," it still has not ratified core human rights conventions of the UN, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women; the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The United States is the only country that is yet to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The United States also takes an uncooperative attitude towards international human rights issues. It often kept stalling or turned a deaf ear to criticisms leveled by the UN Human Rights Council special sessions and High Commissioners for Human Rights. On September 28, 2015 when the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution related to development right, the United States, as always, voted against it (www.un.org).

(注90) 空中战争跟踪组织网站(airwars.org)。

(注91) 英国《独立报》网站(www.independent.co.uk),2015年12月7日。

(注92) Sputnik news网站(sputniknews.com),2015年12月12日;美国广播公司新闻网站(abcnews.go.com),2015年10月5日。

(注93) 英国《每日邮报》网站(www.dailymail.co.uk),2015年10月15日。

(注94) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年4月24日。

(注95) 《华盛顿邮报》网站(www.washingtonpost.com),2015年3月20日。

(注96) 美国参议院情报委员会报告,见www.intelligence.senate.gov。

(注97) 英国《卫报》网站(www.theguardian.com),2015年6月2日。

(注98) 联合国新闻网(www.un.org),2016年1月11日。

(注99) 英国广播公司网站(www.bbc.com),2015年4月30日。

(注100) 英国《独立报》网站(www.independent.co.uk),2015年6月24日。

(注101) 英国《卫报》网站(www.theguardian.com),2015年12月30日。

(注102) 联合国网站(www.un.org),联合国文件A/HRC/30/L.12。

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